call my secretary

Dorothy Perkins dress, New Look tights, I Love Shoes boots c/o Sarenza, Necklace c/o myflashtrash

Blimey, this week has been busy, I need another long weekend to recover from it and I still have two 9.5 hour shifts to go!
Generally uninspired with workwear, as ever, due to ever changeable weather and dodgy office climate, I feel like I wear the same things over and over.

I love this necklace, I was sent it ages ago by Amber Atherton, Made in Chelsea star and owner of myflashtrash (I did the twitter feed for the site ages ago) and it got tonnes of attention today. I do love jewellery that can start a conversation!

How is your week going? I’ll be so glad to see 5:30 on Friday!


21 comments for “call my secretary

  1. I think you look great, not uninspired, you look classically chic. Love the neckclace, you get given such lovely things xx

  2. I love this dress, perfect for this time of year when the weather is being so unpredictable! x

  3. What a stylish dress, Laura! Love it! Cute necklace, a conversation starter indeed.

  4. What a stylish dress, Laura! Love it! Cute necklace, a conversation starter indeed.

  5. I love those boots! I know what you mean about the weather at the moment, I have no idea what’s best to wear at the moment because its so changeable!

  6. our office climate is dodgy too, it’s getting quite cold outside but people are always complaining how hot it is inside!

  7. I really like the simplicity of this, but I know how you feel with uninspired. Feeling a bit that way myself.

    Except for jewellery. For me, something awesome can instantly lift 56476937th wearing of whatever dress.

  8. Well, I often marvel at how you DON’T wear the same thing over and over =)
    You look great, especially love the necklace. I am looking forward to 5.30pm tomorrow too!

  9. I love quirky jewellery! The necklace is fab!

  10. I actually need that necklace in my life xxx

  11. But you always look gorgeous whatever you wear 🙂 that necklace is so lovely! So original!

  12. Love the necklace, it’s so cute and interesting 🙂 xx

  13. Tor

    I love the necklace – though I am a little bit of a typewriter fiend! Your skin looks great too. 🙂

  14. very cool necklace! 🙂 i’m on:

  15. Far from uninspiring, you look relaxed and stylish in a ‘just threw this on’ manner! The necklace is a perfect addition.

  16. you look sooooo chic I love it. The necklace adds just the right amount of quirkiness. Perfect xxxx

  17. that necklace is so quirky and cute! x

  18. Hi Laura! Just responding to your comment – that was mighty quick i’ve never seen the post get there that fast haha! Enjoy them lovely xx

  19. Great necklace. Roll on the end of tomorrow I say.

    X x

  20. Necklace = cuteness!!
