Blue + Mondays = Hand in Hand

For work yesterday. Blue on a Monday should be the law.

Or perhaps we should work on getting Mondays banned.

Either way, it’s Tuesday now! Have a good one



P.S. ever closer to 1000 followers! Eek.

37 comments for “Blue + Mondays = Hand in Hand

  1. Love your nails that is one of my favourite colours for nail polish and jewelry.

  2. Here Here!!

    Super cute dress and shoes.

    Have a good Tuesday.

    X x

  3. Well done on so many followers! I love your cute dresses.

  4. Lovely dress and it looks great with those tights.I work on Mondays too! so when I have to get up early I want to make that illegal too.

  5. I totally agree there.
    Lovely outfit (and I have a very similar dress!!)

    Julia @ Retro Jules

  6. the nailpolish is so beautiful πŸ™‚

  7. Gorgeous outfit and I love your nail polish! Congrats on almost reaching 1000 followers πŸ™‚ xx

  8. i love how you always match really well xx

  9. Loving your dress. so cute <3

  10. Ha love that πŸ™‚
    Mondays should be banned!!
    Gorgeous blue!

  11. I love the dress and your nail polish!


  12. hey hey for banning Mondays – weekends always seem so far away!

  13. Terrible Tuesday! Far worse day of the week than Monday IMO.

  14. Love that dress and tights combo, looking lovely xx

  15. Very cute, love the entire outfit!

  16. Happy happy Tuesday indeed! Love the colour-blocking here, lush colour tights mrs πŸ™‚ β™₯ Claire @ Jazzpad

  17. I agree, lets ban mondays!

    I love your dress πŸ™‚

  18. Love the different shades of blue/purple you used in this!

  19. Love the outfit. Love the nails. You rock πŸ™‚ x

  20. I think I hate tuesdays even more than mondays. A lot more in fact…it’s such a nothing day. BRING ON HUMP DAY X

  21. Gorgeous look!
    Love your manicure!


  22. A definite thumbs up for blue nails! Yes! x

  23. Love crazy nail polish colors and blue is one of my favorites! I also like the combo of the navy dress and purple tights. Lovely!

    ~bumbling bee

  24. Love that nail colour, totally need to invest in a new shade of blue pink seems to be taking over recently xoxo

  25. GORGEOUS and Whoo Tuesday, one day closer to my holiday πŸ˜€

    Maria xxx

  26. We should definitely get Monday’s banned!
    Β  Madison’s Assortment

  27. I love this blue dress so much so xxx

  28. ergh I hate Monday’s too but this outfit is lovely and your nails definitely brighten up the day

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  29. I say ban Mondays, or at least ban working Monday morning. We should just go in for a couple of hours in the afternoon to ease ourselves in!


  30. I hate Mondays but if I didn’t work Mondays would I then hate Tuesdays?…

  31. Love the dress, very cute :). Your nails look lush!

    Sadie xx

  32. Really love the nail color! And that dress looks so great on you.

  33. Love the dress AND the polish πŸ™‚ Which shade is it? x