bright stuff

Dress: Missguided
Tights: Primark
Shoes: c/o SpyLoveBuy
This outfit is one of those I wore ages ago, photographed and never got round to sharing. This dress is my default for afternoons off/weekends and I’m forever trying to think up ways to change it up a bit. Bright tights seemed like an obvious solution- it’s what I am known for right?! I’m not sure what’s happened to my tights habit but it needs to be reinstated.
It’s been a mad week so far, full of highs…lots of highs and *touch wood* no lows. Life seriously couldn’t be any better at the moment and although I miss the contact I had with blogging-land I suppose it’s a sign of the positive changes that I have less time to spend keeping up with every little thing.
Yesterday I met my cousin’s 10 week old little boy for the first time, remember me announcing his birth? Where did that time go? I can’t believe how small he was and how small he must have been. Wow. He’s such a cutie!
Thanks for all the questions so far, if you have any more then feel free to add them here, I shall be answering them in a post next week.
How’s life for you right now?

17 comments for “bright stuff

  1. I absolutely love bright tights too. The pink looks great on you! Life is busy but fun at the moment desparately trying to make the most of theb summer weather.

  2. This is a classic Laura look. I love the contrast cap sleeves and the colour of the tights!
    It’s good to know that I’m not the only one missing my blog, but life changes and we just can’t do everything, right? Life has been busy but pretty exciting, I’m just trying to find time to breathe and finish decorating my spare room…

  3. These tights look so good on you! x

  4. It’s true children grow up so rapidly. I can’t wait to see my nephew! I love your bright tights with this outfit. 🙂 /Madison

  5. Love this!!! Those shoes and that dress are made for each other, and you picked the perfect tights to go with them too. Such an awesome outfit!

    Hope you’re having a lovely week:)

  6. Anonymous

    I’ve been waiting for your ‘tights’ outfit for ages. Hope this time they’ll come back for good!

  7. I LOVE these Laura! They’re amazing with the grey dress.

    Laura x

  8. Your Primark tights are a pretty colour. I remember a couple of years ago your referencing your large collection of different coloured tights.
    Life has been busy for me and haven’t done a blog post in close to a month – and it’s gotten hot, humid, and I don’t have air conditioning. At least I have some fans to move the air a bit. Have a wonderful Summer!

  9. loving the dress with the tight x

  10. I have barely abandoned my tights yet, due to the erratic temperatures. i too like the combination of grey dress with bright legs. Just wish someone could turn up the temperature a little for bare leg confidence.

  11. You have to love a good pair of bright tights!
    Glad to hear how happy you are right now, here’s to it staying that way, you deserve it! 🙂 x

  12. SO glad to hear that you are happy, you really deserve it!

    Maria xxxx

  13. I like your dress and style~~

  14. Mat

    nice flash of colour there

  15. Liz

    Love the tights! Life is really good for me at the moment… Just hoping things will stay this way 🙂 I also feel totally out of touch with the blogosphere at the moment… xx

  16. Love this outfit <3. You totally rock it!!

    Sadie x