brightening the blues

Matalan dress, Betsey Johnson tights, Clarks shoes c/o Sarenza

I always think blue makes an apt outfit for a Monday, and the one just gone proved to live up to it’s reputation with general chaos and all round confusion at work! I love these tights but forgot just how much attention they attract until I was walking by a main road on route to work and a couple of cars slowed down as they passed.

I hope everyone enjoyed pancake day! I went, sadly, without due to lack of planning and general laziness! What was the best topping you tried? I’m wondering which reader set a new record of number of pancakes eaten?! And now we’re on the countdown to Easter (bring on the mini eggs and malteaser bunnies!) what have you given up for Lent, if anything?


39 comments for “brightening the blues

  1. Love your dress! I’m almost sure I’m giving up fast food.

    xo erica

  2. great tights! I had a very pancake filled day xxx

  3. those tights are fabulous! I used to give up chocolate for lent but since then I don’t care for choccy much anyway so stopped bothering as it wasn’t a challenge.

  4. Kat

    The tights are awesome! I was reading this through my phone and my first thought was “I would be so paranoid in those tights because people would stare at my legs… but I WANT!” and had a giggle fest when you said people slowed down to look.

    You look gorgeous!

  5. These tights are the best!! I LOVE the print. I’m looking forward to winter here in Australia. Can’t wait to wear coloured tights and boots. You look great, as always πŸ™‚ x

  6. Love the tights! I don’t think I’d have the guts to wear them.
    I didn’t have pancakes either =/ I don’t give anything up for Lent – maybe I should be! x

  7. Loving the dress, gorgeous shape and colour.

    n didn’t get pancakes either, because I was at uni until 2100, but because we’re heathens and don’t observe lent, Dad promised to make me some tonight. My favourite all time topping- cherry pie filling (from the tin, naturally) and possible a drizzle of chocolate sauce or a tiny amount of vanilla ice cream…. or, orange marmalade is great, or y’know… good old lemon and sugar

  8. Love those tights! xxx

  9. I think I have a similar dress. But it looks way better on you -_-;


  10. Nice outfit! Hope you had a great pancake day, too. πŸ™‚

  11. Love those tights! I defiantly failed in the eating of pancakes, only managed two this year surprisingly for me!

  12. Laura you are the owner of the best tights collection I’ve ever seen! Let me know when you’re in Bath lovely and I’ll definitely make time to come and see you πŸ™‚ Yay for Malteaser bunnies! xxx

  13. Those are some funky tights X

  14. Amazing tights, the dress is lovely too! I completely forgot about pancakes too until about six o clock when I could ‘t be bothered either

  15. I like the simplicity of the dress πŸ™‚

  16. That blue dress looks lovely πŸ™‚ I like banana & chocolate pancakes but also love the classic lemon & sugar!

    Caroline x

  17. Oh the shape of this dress is so beautiful and it looks so lovel on you!

    I had my first creme egg of the year yesterday and it was de-lish! I always forget how tasty they are till this time of year comes around again! Ha! X

  18. Love this dress, and your tights are amazing! I’m giving up junk food, it’s going to be hard! x

  19. Awesome tights! I had 3 pancakes for breakfast yesterday but I feel that was a very poor effort!

  20. Loving the tights hun. I have given up crisps and chocolate and I’m missing them already!

    X x

  21. J.

    By the way, loving the tights!

  22. Love the dress!

    I gave up biscuits – it’s day one and I’m struggling haha…xx

  23. You look too cute for words!


  24. I had a grand total of 9 pancakes throughout the day, it was outrageous.

    Every pancake had, lemon, golden syrup and sugar. So you can imagine how my teeth felt at the end of the day… horrible!

    But so worth it πŸ™‚

  25. Such a cute dress. Looks great with your amaze heels xx

  26. I didn’t have any for the same reasons!
    I love that dress Laura! And the tights are brilliantly fun!

  27. I love your tights πŸ™‚
    I managed 6 pancakes, would’ve gone for more but I ran out of time! I had toffee sauce on some of them, it was delicious!

  28. I didn’t have any pancakes because I was working :'(

  29. Great outfit! lovely shoes and dress! x

  30. Mat

    i forgot about pancake day totally, only remembered when i was making a curry. damn

  31. I never give up anything for lent but I do love pancake day πŸ™‚ The dress is gorgeous.

  32. Those tights are something else! Love the shape of those shoes too, you can really pull them off!

  33. I adore your tights! I would definitely stop and look at you too! x
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  34. Oh I love your outfit! You look so great πŸ™‚

  35. I want your tight collection! x

  36. i’m pleased to say I’m not giving up anything for Lent πŸ™‚ When I was struggling with anorexia, I would use lent as an excuse to cut out various food groups….now I’d rather DO something for 40 days rather than give something up πŸ™‚ xx