from blue to pink

A-wear dress (bargain at £5), New Look daisy tights, Yull chelsea boots and Heart Leopard bag from Motel*

Thursday; the weekend is in sight. Not much to say today other than I LOVE this bag, it’s perfect for toting all my extra junk to work- glasses, water bottle, snacks, paper work, kindle…the list is endless. I am not one to travel light! I was on the search for THE perfect tote bag for ages before I found this one in pretty much the last place I looked.

Do you travel light? Or are you like me and pack everything but the kitchen sink for the shortest of trips?


28 comments for “from blue to pink

  1. Love the back of that dress!

  2. Great outfit, love the tights!!

  3. Lovely dress and those tights are so cute! x

  4. You should wear red more often it looks lovely on you.

  5. Love the bag! I have to have a big bag for during the week as I carry so much with me, I also have another bag for my lunch! I’m like a bag lady 😉

  6. Firstly I have to say how much I like the dress and the deep v at the back is super cute.

    As for traveling light, not a chance! I have a huge handbag for work days as well as my laptop bag. It looks like I’m either moving house or a bag lady, I’m never too sure which.

    X x

  7. Over time I’ve grown to pack lighter, but I still carry a whole bunch of things with me.

    Your tote is lovely!

  8. I say this time and time again but I always have such major tight envy! I need to get some patterned tights pronto!

  9. Love the style and colour of the dress!

  10. The colour of that dress is gorgeous!

  11. Anonymous

    at least this picture isn’t somewhat fiddled with.

  12. That dress is such a classic, such a bargain at £5! And the bag is fab too xxx

  13. Vix

    Love the outfit, the cut of that dress is sublime and the bag is stunning!
    I travel light if I’m travelling but for a day out in England I need to take everything but the kitchen sink! x

  14. Such a cute dress, love the tights xoxo

  15. I love the back of the dress! I am totally a heavy packer X

  16. Love the colour of that dress! 🙂 I’m terrible for carrying too much round with me!

    Caroline x

  17. Cute dress 🙂

    I can never travel light. Half the time I don’t even know what is lurking in my bag, but mostly it’s unread papers, books, folders and other such ‘necessities’ for work. And then there’s several cans of coke, a ginormous pencil case and..I don’t know what else, but it weighs a ton. A ‘what’s in my bag’ post would be a joke! xx

  18. Beautiful dress, the colour is great.. and I love the back detailing! Super cute.
    Travelling light is not my forte!x

  19. LOVE that dress, especially the back, it’s nice to see your tattoo! I carry EVERYTHING with me, you never know what you might need!

    Maria xxx

  20. Daisy tights!? So cute! I live in tights, always nice to get some unique ones! x

  21. £5 for that dress! it’s amazing!

  22. I do NOT travel light, my bag weighs a tonne! Love that colour on you, goes so well with your hair!

  23. Love everything about this outfit, the dress is gorgeous x

  24. Love everything about this outfit, the dress is gorgeous x

  25. I don’t travel light at all, but I am making a huge effort to do so. The colour of this dress is fab!

  26. I love patterned and coloured tights. Currently wearing some great aubergine ones from New Look 🙂

  27. Still love this dress, simple but the colour is just amazing.

    The bag is pretty damn cool. I can do light travel, but at present I leave the house 0730 for my train to work and have uni then get home around 2200, so it just isn’t happening. I take my huge Doctors frame bag with me, for my lunch, snacks, drinks, laptop, books, notes, Mineral touch ups, purse, keys, passes…. I’m living for the day I can go back to modest handbags with the normal essentials!!!