Bringing the Holiday Home with Virgin Holidays

Ok, so I wasn’t lucky enough to actually get a holiday this year but for those of you who did and are still battling post-sunshine blues then why not recreate a little taste of the exotic at home? Or perhaps, like me you didn’t get away- why not whip up something tropical in your very own home and bring the holiday to you?
Virgin Holidays have released a guide to making 5 Caribbean Cocktails to inspire you for your next trip or help keep that holiday spirit going. In celebration of this they sent me over a kit so I could attempt to make my own- now, I’m not a big drinker at all but cocktails are my achilles heel and I just couldn’t resist. Mojitos are one of my favourite ever drinks so a kit to create my own provided much excitement.
The kit was brilliant, containing a cocktail shaker and all the gadgets and gizmos you need to create like an expert. There were also fun straws, some Cuban style snacks and mini bottles of rum to get you started. All I needed to buy was a lime and some fresh mint (and remember to make some ice cubes) and I was away! I thought these cute glasses from Marks and Spencer fitted nicely with the holiday theme.

My Mojitos weren’t quite official, technically the recipe calls for crushed ice, but have you ever tried to crush the stuff yourself? Perhaps I’m not very strong, or I was in too much of a rush but yeah, whole ice cubes it was- still, on a beach in Cuba they would melt in to an icy cold drink in no time!

Fancy creating your own? All you need is 50ml of rum, 10 mint leaves, 2 tsp of sugar and a lime cut in to wedges and you’re good to go! This will make two generous sized drinks, or three smaller ones like those I made.
What’s your favourite cocktail? Have you ever tried making them yourself? Let me know if you give this one a whirl!


3 comments for “Bringing the Holiday Home with Virgin Holidays

  1. I always talk about making my own cocktails and yet I never get ‘around to. After this post I might just give it a go a the weekend. I’ll let you know if I do.

  2. Though I don’t really ever drink, I don’t mind the taste of Mojitos and I might have a slurp of CBC’s!x

  3. I LOVE cocktails! I have never tried to make them myself but I sure like it when someone else does.