Bristol Fashion Week; What I Wore

And I’m back! Thank you for all the responses and well wishes on my last post, I am pleased to report that things very much improved; and my laptop wasn’t too expensive to fix!

I believe I mentioned in my last post that I was attending Bristol Fashion Week, a fabulous affair with a pink fizz reception, catwalk shows and a chance to meet many other amazing bloggers taking part in some live blogging action. I’ll keep this post brief as I have a full re-cap to come, this is a more of a “what I wore” post to ease me back in (I’m sorry your going to be bombarded with posts this week as I have about a million to write!)

The jeans are another pair of the infamous Jordans, kindly sent c/o Motel. The blouse was a bargain £6.99 affair from H&M and the boots are old ones from New Look.

And that’s that, for now!


24 comments for “Bristol Fashion Week; What I Wore

  1. je suis très heureuse de vous revoir… gros bisous à vous

  2. Yay you’re back!
    I looooooove those jeans, they look amazing on you!


  3. I love the print on the jeans! 🙂 Hope you had a great time at Bristol fashion week!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  4. the pamts are gorgeous!you rock girl.totally rock.wish i could dare to wear something like that. 🙂 great post

  5. Love those printed jeans absolutely gorgeous!

  6. Hey, you’re back!!!!! Hurrah! I’m loving that shirt- a lovely length! I like sleeveless shirts, especially ones that are longer!

  7. I LOVE those jeans! You look fab! 🙂

  8. You have a nice style!

  9. You look lovely, hope you had a fantastic time.

  10. Kat

    I hope you’ve had a nice time,girly! Your outfit is gorgeous again,I love that blouse. <3 xoxo

  11. Wish I could have been there, glad you had fun and you look great.
    Daisy Dayz
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  12. GORGEOUS trousers Laura, they look fab on you xx

  13. Love the jeans, they look so fab with the blouse 🙂

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  14. you looked fab hun! so lovely to meet you!

    Love Amie xx

  15. Great outfit, you look amazing 🙂

  16. Quite possibly my favourite outfit on you. Amazing leggings, and the shirt is gorgeous.x

  17. I meant to say yesterday that your jeans are fab! xx

  18. That’s a great outfit, glad to hear your laptops back to full working condition!

  19. Love the jeans, the print on them is so gorgeous!

  20. Angela

    I was happy to see 5 new posts from you in my reader this morning – good to hear they managed to fix the laptop and that you had a nice time at bristol fashion week 🙂 x

  21. Great outfit! The skinniest look fab on you!
    B x

  22. Great fashion show outfit, the jeans are amazing! xxx