Bristol Shwopping Challenge with M&S

Bristol ladies (and gents), get yourselves down to one of the city’s five Marks and Spencer stores to take part in the “Shwopping Challenge” as part of Bristol’s Green Week.
M&S is looking to collect 10,000 unwanted items of clothing, shoes or other garments for Oxfam over the course of Friday and Saturday – all of which will be donated to the charity to be sold in its shops, re-used or recycled to help raise vital funds for its poverty alleviation work.
Anyone that takes part in the Big Bristol Shwop in any of M&S’s five Bristol stores on Friday or Saturday (Broadmead, Cribbs, Longwell Green, Avonmead and Yate) will also be rewarded with a £5 voucher.
The photos are from the launch of the event which saw Bristol Mayor George Ferguson shwop a pair of his famous red trousers!
I always try to donate clothes I no longer want or wear so can really get behind this campaign. I’m hoping to find time to pop along to the Broadmead store later armed with a bag of goods to donate! Let me know if you pop along…what do you do with things you no longer have a use for?


7 comments for “Bristol Shwopping Challenge with M&S

  1. Rebecca Young

    I normally donate to my local charity shop. I live fairly close to Bristol so will try to join you in the Broadmead venture!

  2. Thats a great idea, i hope my local store does it at some stage.

    X x

  3. Sounds like a great cause, I love it when shops get in the spirit by offering gift cards out! I think H&M have done something similar.

    Corinne x

  4. This is such a good idea! I have loads to clear out x

    Josie’s Journal

  5. What a great cause! If I was up there, I’d definitely take part.

    x Michelle |

  6. I haven’t had the chance to participate with the schwopping but I definitely think it’s a great idea

  7. Do you know if that’s still on?? x