The Secret Garden

When the sun comes out one of my favourite places to be is my Grandad’s garden. I find it such a peaceful place, not to mention beautiful so it was really about time I got some outfit photos taken there!

Dress: Primark | Bralet: New Look | Shoes c/o IKRUSH | Watch c/o Guess

How many times have we seen this £5 Primark dress on the blog in the last few months? Honestly it must be one of my most worn purchases and I wish I had a back up. It’s probably a bit short for me to get away with bare legged but I didn’t really care as it meant I could wear these cute new sandals from IKRUSH and get some sun on my skin (after a layer of factor 30 of course!)
IKRUSH is another of those online stores that I’ve only just come across but has made a great impression. Delivery is fast and free and there are some really affordable and on trend pieces available. I can see further orders being placed in the near future, if I happen to come in to some money.
These photos really failed to capture just how vast Grandad’s garden is. The area I am stood in the first few photos is right at the back of the garden and also has two large flower beds filled with various fruit and vegetable plants. There is also a large lawn, back with the platform I’m stood on in the last photo, which has some wild trees and bushes behind it. Backing on to the bungalow itself is a rather sizeable patio and everything is filled with lovingly tended plants and is a really calming place to be. I’m hoping for some more lazy weekend days chilling out there, a cup of mint tea made with mint from the garden in my hand and a book by my side.
Do you have a calm and peaceful place to go to? I have several but Grandad’s garden is my haven.


4 comments for “The Secret Garden

  1. Oh Laura, yes, my Grandad’s garden was exactly like that, the most idyllic paradise which we spent hours in as kids and teens. Now, since we’ve lost him, having gone out there, it is a jungle, 100 metres long and overgrown. Makes me sad to think we’ve lost him and his paradise is no more x

  2. i love this dress. and cost per wear would be so worth it wouldnt it! haha! i have recently been eyeing up a similar warehosue one but havent taken the plunge to purchase as i wonder what the style would fit like on me, being rather hippy.
    Anyway love this and your pretty setting xxx

  3. I’d wear this dress all the time too if I had it, it’s so cute and versatile! Your grandad’s garden is lovely, can see why you love it x

    Josie’s Journal

  4. It’s a lovely dress and garden. I have no garden, it makes me sad =( Stupid back to back house!

    Corinne x