Buried Treasure

Don’t you just love finding an old favourite lurking in your wardrobe? This dress was under a pile of clothes to be sorted (story of my life) and the shoes were hiding at the back of my collection.

It does worry me somewhat that I always seem to be finding forgotten items…I swear I clear my wardrobe out every few months…
I think I’m going to have to dedicate a day next week to being absolutely ruthless and having a “once and for all” sort out.

Ignore the crazy fringe. I’m off to the hairdresser shortly.

What have you re-found lately?

35 comments for “Buried Treasure

  1. I always seem to be finding things i thought I had lost – guess that’s a sign that i have too many clothes?

  2. I love finding old favourites hidden in the back of my wardrobe, but it’s probably a sign I should have a clear out! xxx

  3. I wish I could find cute dresses like that hidden in my wardorbe.

  4. Very cute dress πŸ™‚ Love the shoes x

  5. Such a beautiful dress! Really a treasure!

    XOXO Britta

  6. Bex

    You look lovely!
    I recently found an old kaftan at my parents, which I’d never worn and just left hanging up in my wardrobe at their house.

    Quickly snaffled that as I think it will be great for relaxing in this summer, its light and breezy and stretchy so will fit my ever growing bump.


  7. That’s the story of my life too – it’s a lovely dress! xx

  8. That dress is lovely! Really really pretty – what a find!

  9. Things tend to fall out of my head so their very exsistance falls out too.

    I love that dress.

  10. I’m always raiding my Mum’s wardrobe for her forgotten things from the 80’s. So far I’ve claimed four dresses and two pairs of heels!

  11. Wow, what a great dress! It looks really nice with the shoes πŸ™‚

    Nat x

  12. Love the fun and colourful nature of this dress. Yes, finding a forgotten item is amazing but unfortunately it doesn’t happen to me often. Not too many surprises.

  13. I love your dress. I am always finding stuff in the back of my wardrobe. I never used to give my clothes to charity shops just store them in the loft. Occasionally I will get some down and go through them.

  14. What an adorable dress!

  15. cute dress! I have a supertidy wardrobe which means that I never find any hidden surprises…!

  16. I am always finding stuff I’ve put away in different drawers then forgotten about! Such fun!
    Makes you feel you’ve been shopping, without the nasty paying for it bit. πŸ™‚

  17. i love your shoes and dress and i lvoe finding clothes i thought i had thrown away or lost :p

  18. That dress is adorable <#

  19. Vix

    I love finding forgotten treasures in the wardrobe and that’s a beauty. x

  20. I find forgotten clothes all the time, probably because I’m so disorganized!

  21. cute dress. i keep findinf random things too. xx

  22. Yes, I do the same thing all the time! I find things I thought I had given away to charity and I think, “Yay, I’ve still got it!”

    I refound really pretty white blouse from Miss Selfridge with broderie anglaise that I love! I wore it today and 3 other people were wearing similar items!

  23. Anonymous

    Jazzy dress! Though ur looking really thin again, r u ok?

  24. ooh, and on facebook you mentioned your hair was red again! looking forward to seeing the results! xx

  25. Fab dress, really cute and summery πŸ™‚

  26. I seem to be the opposite, I seem to loose clothes and I never find out where they go!

    Lovely outfit though, very summery x

  27. Aw this is such a pretty dress πŸ™‚ Great discovery!

  28. love that dress dear! i have one similar in my latest post too πŸ™‚ sundresses are the best! x -melissa

  29. love this bright dress! I am always finding things I hate, never any nice stuff!

  30. That dress is precious. It’s kind of like shopping in your own closet isn’t?

    I always find new items in my closet when I go back home to the states that I had totally forgotten about since moving to Australia.

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  32. Theres no better feeling than finding something you’d forgot all about or even finding a new way to wear a ‘normal’ outfit. Your dress is lovely.

  33. Anonymous

    !!! If you ever sell any of the clothes u don’t want let me know. πŸ˜€