Cat lady v.247

How many cat jumpers do I own now? I’m not 100% sure to be honest but my Mum treated me to this beauty from ASOS when it went in to the sale, I love it! I wore it on Sunday with my Matalan skirt and Georgia Rose boots from Sarenza to limp around town with my lovely Ellie. Our Sunday adventures seem to have taken on a painful theme; piercings, tattoos and most recently eyebrow threading! I’ve watched her have hers done a couple of times and decided it brave it for myself this time…for ยฃ7 I’m a convert, I’ve never had such a thin brow before but I love it and will be keeping it up (yes Mum, I’m finally a proper girl!)

Thanks for the foot well wishes, took a speedy trip to A&E with best.friend. yesterday afternoon (less than an hour!) They confirmed no breaks but I have torn the ligaments under my toes and am on crutches for the next three weeks, oh my…I think this could cause MORE accidents!

Happy Wednesday folk, I’m off for my early shift at work and shall be demanding tea and sympathy all morning.


18 comments for “Cat lady v.247

  1. That is an adorable sweater girl!!

  2. crutches, oooh. How annoying but I’m sure you’ll get lots of sympathy x

  3. Ouch sorry to hear about your foot – at least no breaks though! I adore the sweater looks so cute + cosy! Your brows look fabulous too!


  4. best jumper ever I think, it’s lovely!! xx

  5. Such a cute jumper! Cat lady forever xxx

  6. Super cute jumper, and I think we can all agree there isn’t such a thing as too many cat jumpers yes? x

  7. The kitty jumper is amazing. I need more kitty clothes in my wardrobe. The styling is perfect with the pink skirt. I wish you a very fast recovery too.

  8. I hope you feel better soon, that sounds painful! LOVE the cat jumper, what a lovely Momma! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Maria xxx

  9. Oh gosh re the foot, I hope it’s better soon. Mine’s still hurting from a stumble down the stairs a few weeks ago.

  10. Aw:( hope your foot gets better! I love getting my eyebrows threaded! It’s a regular part of my life now ๐Ÿ˜‰ love the jumper! xx

  11. Aw:( hope your foot gets better! I love getting my eyebrows threaded! It’s a regular part of my life now ๐Ÿ˜‰ love the jumper! xx

  12. Aw:( hope your foot gets better! I love getting my eyebrows threaded! It’s a regular part of my life now ๐Ÿ˜‰ love the jumper! xx

  13. Aw:( hope your foot gets better! I love getting my eyebrows threaded! It’s a regular part of my life now ๐Ÿ˜‰ love the jumper! xx

  14. Beautiful outfit! I love the skirt!

  15. I hope your foot feels better soon!
    And the jumper is so lovely on you! I’ve been looking at it for a while now, and I think you’ve convinced me that it is necessary in my life! xx

  16. Kitty jumper is so cute! It’s subtle too! Unlike mine which is a little in yer face! The pink skirt works really well with it!
    You are braver than me re the eye-brows! I am far too a) lazy, b) scared of pain to ever do anything to my eyebrows!

  17. What an amazing outfit! love that boots
    Greetings from Colombia