Mae Reviews: Cat Packs

My feline friend has been getting spoilt rotten lately with a variety of boxes dropping through the door for her. Her latest treat came via CatPacks who got in touch with me a couple of weeks ago to introduce themselves and kindly offer Mae and I a box to review.

CatPacks source high quality food, toys and health care products from independent manufacturers and aim to enhance your pet’s physical and mental wellbeing. A CatPacks subscription box costs £15.00 for a single box or £13.00 for a recurring plan, plus £3.50 p&p. There is no minimum subscription term and your plan can be cancelled at any time!

Each month the box is seasonally themed in some way, this month celebrates Black Cat Day (October 27th FYI!).

There was a fantastic selection of foods all of which my little fuss-pot devoured with gusto. The sachet from “almo nature” was a particular favourite, she wolfed that down so fast and was so full she could barely move! Thankfully there were two brilliant toys in the box too so she could work off some of that fullness…the black fluffy…thing (for want of a better word) was a particular hit and I’ve been getting a work out dragging it around the house for her to pounce on.

The other toy was a little bag stuffed with valerian and catnip. I think this was an especially thoughtful inclusion for a box at this time of year as between halloween and bonfire night things can get pretty stressful for pets. Valerian is excellent at soothing and calming cats down and after a few minutes playing with this little pillow of comfort Mae is out for count! Between that and the few remaining cat cafe treats we should be in for a fairly chilled out time.

The other thing I really loved was the inclusion of a gift for the pet owner too. This came in the form of a cat shaped cookie cutter, perfect for baking up some gifts in time for halloween or bonfire parties! I’ll be whipping up some black cat biscuits in the very near future.

So there we have it, another subscription box for cats that really hits the mark. I love the care and thought that goes in to picking out the products for CatPacks, using independent companies and really taking the health and wellbeing of your cat in to account. But then what would you expect when CatPacks comes from a lovely lady named Jenny who also runs Chequer Trees Cattery in East Sussex?


Posted in cats, Mae, review


Purrfectly Purrfect(Box)

It’s been a little while since Mae and I last received a Purrfect Box and I was suprised to see they’ve had a bit of a make over since April. The new blue box looks great and from the second it arrived Mae couldn’t wait to get stuck in!
For those that don’t yet know the Purrfect Box is a monthly subscription which costs £19.90 a month with options to subscribe for longer periods of time which will reduce the monthly cost slightly. The contents of the box are guaranteed to be worth at least £30 with 4-6 premium products inside so it’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as each box is catered to your feline’s needs and preferences. Let me know if you decide to treat your feline friend to a box. We’ve had a few of these boxes now and are yet to receive one that hasn’t been well worth the money and Mae has amassed a huge collection of favourite toys- most memorably a dolphin that we frequently find in the bath.
The latest box certainly didn’t let us down on the toy front and Mae wore herself out in the process of taking these photos…I later found her curled up on her cushion with the red chasing toy wrapped possessively around her paws- she’s a character, that’s for sure!

Also included in the box was a cooling food bowl which I think is aimed more at dogs but has proven brilliant during this latest patch of decent weather. Mae’s food bowl is situated in the conservatory which does get quite hot when the sun is out. This bowl, after a few hours in the fridge or freezer will keep your pet’s food cool for a good 4-6 hours meaning they can graze as they please without the smell (and I imagine taste) of overheated wet food!

Unusually for her Mae also loved the treats in this box- the chicken liver “pet munchies” are her new favourite thing, she’s ignoring her beloved dreamies in favour of these and she will be sorely disappointed when she has munched her way through the bag! The squeezy pudding treat she isn’t so fond of but hasn’t totally rejected so I’d class that as a win as well.

I think this is probably one of the best all-rounder Purrfect boxes we have recieved and I am delighted to be able to offer all of my blog readers a fantastic £5 discount if you choose to sign up. Simply enter the code ukb1xlvr at the checkout.

Let me know if you sign up and what your feline friend thinks!


Mae reviews: Purrfect Box

One of the major things I miss about having moved out of my parents’ (other than my parents themselves) is having my delinquent little Mae on hand to keep me entertained. Thankfully I haven’t moved far and still pop in regularly to say hi to Mum and Dad, scrounge a cup of tea and some food and catch up with my feline fiend. I was delighted when Purrfect Box once again offered to send me out a box for Mae to enjoy, the perfect way to show her I still care and indulge in a photo taking session of her pretty face!
The Purrfect Box is a monthly subscription which costs £19.90 a month, or £15.90 per month if you take out a years subscription. The contents of the box are guaranteed to be worth at least £30 with 4-6 premium products inside so it’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as each box is catered to your feline’s needs and preferences. Let me know if you decide to treat your feline friend to a box; I’ll be picking up a few on a one off basis throughout the year, I can’t afford it on a monthly basis but as an every so often treat I think it’s wonderful.
As ever there was a fantastic mix of toy, treats and useful bits and bobs in the box which Mae really enjoyed exploring. On the toy front I’d say this box has been the biggest hit to date with the catnip filled dolphin being a particular favourite.

As you can see Mae was somewhat bemused by the idea of Cat Caviar and tried to eat it as it came rather than waiting for it to be crumbled over her food as suggested. I think this was a hit though and certainly a unique concept in feline dining.

Once again this box was pretty much a complete hit from Purrfect Box, anything that captures my fussy friend’s attention for more than thirty seconds is pretty rare and so far we’ve lost hours playing with these toys and chasing around for treats.

Have you tried Purrfect box (or any other pet subscription boxes) for your pets? I’d love to know your thoughts.


The Christmas Purrfect Box

The team at Purrfect Box were kind enough to play Santa to my feline friend this Christmas and sent us the Christmas box to review. It arrived a week or so before the big day and we’ve had a lot of fun playing with it since then so although this review is somewhat tardy you can be rest-assured everything is well tested!

The Purrfect Box is a monthly subscription which costs £19.90 a month, or £15.90 per month if you take out a years subscription. The contents of the box are guaranteed to be worth at least £30 with 4-6 premium products inside so it’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as each box is catered to your feline’s needs and preferences. Let me know if you decide to treat your feline friend to a box; I’ll be picking up a few on a one off basis throughout the year, I can’t afford it on a monthly basis but as an every so often treat I think it’s wonderful especially as I’m moving out of the parental home very soon and won’t be seeing Mae on a daily basis anymore *sob*.

Pretty much every product in this box was a hit with Mae, the only exception being the Simon’s Cat bowl which was too deep for her stumpy little neck. It’s such a great bowl though, I LOVE Simon’s Cat and it now has a new home with Ben’s beast of a cat, Tobias.

Particular favourites were the food sachets from Iams which didn’t make it as far as being Christmas dinner and the festive chew toy which gets carted around the house all the time. The catnip stocking was a brilliant addition and this was given to Mae on Christmas Eve in attempts to chill her out a bit (it failed, but was very much enjoyed!).

I think we’ve found a new favourite treat for Mae in the mini-nuggets by Trixie, she goes mad for these although we’re yet to get the hang of the training lark!

As you can see it was a box filled with festive cheer and if I could only ever treat Mae to one Purrfect Box a year it would absolutely be the Christmas one again.

Have you given Purrfect Box a try before? I’d love to hear your thoughts… and did you buy presents for your pets?


Mae Reviews: The November Purrfect Box

After the success of previous packages from Purrfect Box it was hard to tell who was more excited about another delivery from them a couple of weeks ago. The Purrfect Box is a monthly subscription which costs £19.90 a month, or £15.90 per month if you take out a years subscription. The contents of the box are guaranteed to be worth at least £30 with 4-6 premium products inside so it’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as each box is catered to your feline’s needs and preferences. Let me know if you’d decide to treat your feline friend to a box- I’ll be picking up a few on a one off basis throughout the year, I can’t afford it on a monthly basis but as an every so often treat I think it’s wonderful!
In typical Mae fashion she wasn’t been at all co-operative in the taking of these photos so you’ll just have to take my word for it that she really enjoyed her box once again. There was a fantastic array of products in the box, from treats to toys and pretty much all of it was greeted for what one assumes was enthusiasm from my feline fiend.

A particular favourite in this month’s box were the lovely paw print blanket from Sauvagine which is keeping Mae nice and toasty warm in this recent spell of chilly weather. She’s never really been much of a cat for blankets and beds but this one appears to have changed her mind somewhat as she’s spending a good deal of time hiding under it and looking rather smug.

One product that I really rated were the wipes by Camon as I’ve lost count of the times where I wished such a thing existed. Utterly ideal for when a certain someone comes flying in after a dig around in the garden and for removing the evidence that she’s been walking through leftovers on a dinner plate again.

As ever the toys in the box were brilliant fun for both Mae and for myself. The treat roller is an endless source of amusement to me and frustration to Mae as she doesn’t want to work hard for her treats (and often I relent and give her a few extra, oops!). The only product that she didn’t like was the Cat Pudding from GimCat. She’s a bit funny about textures and for some reason wouldn’t even go near the packaging for this- but worry not, a visit up to Ben’s family saw this enthusiastically lapped up by their three cats so I’d say it’s still a success.

Have you given Purrfect Box a try before? I’d love to hear your thoughts…and watch this space for more “Mae Reviews” type posts, she’s getting quite in to this blogging lark.
