Real Mums, Real Triumphs:’s Inspirational Journey to Worldwide Acclaim

[Press release], the brainchild of two Aussie mums on a mission, has become an iconic global brand known for its innovative and practical baby accessories. Dannielle Michaels and Monique Filer, the dynamic duo behind, founded the company after a challenging experience changing a wriggly baby on a flight to New Zealand. Their journey from a cardboard mock-up to a global brand is a testament to their commitment to making parenting easier.

From Little Things, Big Things Grow started as a solution to a common parenting challenge – changing a baby on an airplane. Co-founders Dan and Mon embarked on a mission to create a product that would make life easier for moms everywhere. Armed with a cardboard mock-up and determination, they engaged with an industrial designer and used their extensive networks to bring their unique baby box to life. Today, stands as an Aussie icon, with over 15 million innovative sippy cups sold globally and a loyal cult following for their every move.

Empowering Parents, Inspiring Kids

The founders experienced everyday parenting challenges firsthand, inspiring them to design products that make the juggle easier. From travel bibs to sippy cups, has expanded its product line to include a range of essentials for various parenting stages. The company’s success is evident with over 65 awards for product design, innovation, business excellence, and consumer choice.

Making Parenting Easier

At, the mission is clear – to make parenting easier by designing unique products that empower kids and parents. The team encourages innovation, challenges the status quo, and focuses on solving pain points for parents. With meticulous attention to quality and a commitment to listening to customers, delivers unique solutions to everyday challenges.

Award-Winning Excellence

While proud of their more than 65 awards,’s founders find the true accolade in seeing parents and kids enjoying their products. The brand’s popularity has grown globally, with over 3,000 retailers in 60 countries.

What’s Next?

As looks to the future, the goal remains to be the most sought-after baby and kids brand globally. The company continues to ask questions, staying committed to exceeding customer expectations and redefining the market.

Visit on Amazon for more information.

Hey Doodle!

[Post contains PR sample]]

Being mum to a two year old is exhausting. Eliza is currently in to everything and flits from one activity to the next in the blink of an eye, so when you come across something that keeps her sat in a chair for more than five minutes you know it’s something special.

We were recently gifted this erasable silicone story book from a brand called Hey Doodle, who I admit, I had never heard of before. From their website:

“HeyDoodle is a range of sustainable and educational wipe-clean silicone activity mats aimed at children aged 2 to 7. Featuring a new type of canvas, HeyDoodle offers parents, grandparents and kids a limitless and reusable drawing platform. Each mat contains hours of fun in colouring, tracing, and doodling and then hours more by simply using a damp cloth to reset the canvas. Perfect for all forms of travel, cafes & restaurants, hotel and waiting rooms, office receptions – anywhere you need to entertain kids in a fun and educational way”.

Eliza loves colouring (usually for 30 seconds at a time) so I knew this would be a hit with her, but I didn’t anticipate how much of a hit! She lasted a good twenty minutes at the table colouring the book and exploring the story; she would have gone longer if I hadn’t have been dinner time!

I was a little bit sceptical about how easy it would be to erase her efforts ready to start again, but all I needed was a damp cloth and it wiped away effortlessly. This was also true for the pen that found its way on to the table!

We used this again the next day when we went out for dinner, we knew we’d have a bit of a wait and we didn’t really want to resort to letting Eliza play with our phones. Again, Hey Doodle was the perfect solution, keeping her occupied, and as space was limited we kept it folded up so she could just do one page at a time.

With Christmas rapidly approaching, both Bob and I agree that Hey Doodle makes for the perfect gift- we are going to get Eliza one of their placemats for her santa sack, and as our friend’s little ones grow up they will also be getting sets from the brand!

The set we were gifted is this one, it costs £24.99 and is beautifully packaged and 100% something we will use over and over again for years to come.

Nice one Hey Doodle, I may finally get to drink a cup of tea in peace!

Golden Touch*

Ad|Post features gifted products

Up until a year or two ago I was strictly silver/white gold jewellery only. Yellow gold seemed too grown up for me, and perhaps even a little boring.

Well, I am a grown up now (apparently) and I find myself more and more drawn to yellow gold pieces of jewellery. I’ve recently added some beautiful pieces to my collection, hence why I’ve once again bought myself out of blogging hibernation to show them off.

rings c/o Astley Clarke

Astley Clarke, a brand I have admired for years, recently let me pick from their collection of gold rings and it was like letting a kid loose in a candy shop! I literally spent hours browsing their collection (because I kept getting side tracked and looking at the rest of their stunning jewellery too) before settling on these two beauties. These are perfect for wearing as standalone pieces and for stacking and the Amazonite ring especially is perfect for brightening up any outfit; ideal given that very soon I will be back in work wear as my maternity leave draws to an end. I’ll share how I’m styling my rings over on Instagram once I’m back “in office”…where has the last ten months gone?

The other item I’ve recently acquired was a lucky giveaway win on Instagram. I started following Walking Primrose as soon as I caught a glimpse of their pieces. I’d actually already put this necklace on my Christmas list (yeah, already!) when I took a chance and entered a giveaway- something I never do these days! Anyway, I was gobsmacked to have won the necklace of my dreams, it’s even more stunning in real life, and the owner of the company really goes above and beyond when it comes to packaging and delivering her products- if you follow me on instagram you’ll have seen how it arrives.

I cannot stress enough how much I love Walking Primrose and the ethos behind the brand. Please do check out the website and read up on them.

So now my Christmas list is lacking in an item, but I can pretty much guarantee it’ll be another yellow gold piece…or two, or three!

Brand Profile: Lindex

The first time the brand Lindex popped on to my radar was when I was pregnant and I was starting to browse around for baby clothes; in fact I made one of my first baby related purchases from there and have been obsessed ever since.

As well as selling some of the most beautiful baby clothes and accessories that you’ll ever see, Lindex also cater for kids and women too as well as stocking beauty products.

Whilst I can’t comment on anything but their baby selection I can very much vouch for the quality of their products, and the attention to detail on each piece; from two way zippers on sleep suits to make nappy changes a little easier (although there is NOTHING easy about changing a 9 month old’s nappy!) to size extenders such as an extra row of poppers to help you get that bit more wear out of each piece. We have quite the collection these days, and if you follow me on Instagram you’ll soon see some of our latest additions. In the meantime, I just wanted to shine the spotlight on Lindex as a brand as I have nothing but love for them, and they definitely deserve to be better known than they are!

In their own words, here is Lindex’s Higher Purpose:

To empower and inspire women everywhere. We do that through our actions as a company and through a progressive fashion experience.   

We lead the way.   

Our customers, our co-workers and our partners are all part of this ambition.   

We know this might sound ambitious, but almost all of our customers are women,  so basically, this is all about them.   

It’s the kind of customer focus that goes beyond the latest collection and the store window.   

A purpose.   

This includes all dimensions of sustainability. We will demonstrate that respect and equal opportunities are the way forward.  

We want to set an example. It’s about optimism, forward-thinking and self-confidence.  

And this spirit influences everything we do.   

Our collections, our stores, our communication.   

We have a clear point of view and that helps our business.  

It gives us energy and motivation. But it doesn’t make life easier.   

We’re raising the bar for ourselves.  

You can only inspire people if they respect you and respect doesn’t come easily.   

So, if we want to create an amazing company for women, we have to be an amazing brand.   

Sure, Lindex is not the biggest brand in the world. But we’re not small and definitely big enough to have an impact. 

We can change things.   

And when we grow, we can change even more things.   

That’s the idea.   

Lindex also have a sustainability promise, which has three key areas of focus…you can read more about this here

If you’re not familiar with the brand yet, or the fabulous things they sell then I urge you to give them a follow on Instagram and get ready to create one heck of a shopping list!

Embracing the last of Summer with Montezumas

It might be September, with a distinct nip in the air already (at least down here in the South West) but that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up on Summer. Not for me anyway, I’m holding out for a warm and sunshine filled day for my wedding at the end of the month, and what perfect way to manifest it than with a sun and sea inspired collection of chocolates from Montezumas?

Sea Dog has lime to spark your palette and a subtle tang of sea-salt as well- kind of a pregnant person friendly version of a tequila shot!

I love the bright pink packaging for Hot Pickle! This bar isn’t for the shy and retiring…I love chilli in chocolate so this is right up my street.

Summer and happiness go hand in hand. So does chocolate and hazelnut. Add in salted caramel too and I don’t see how this bar can fail to put a smile on your face. What a winner!

Coconut is the ultimate Summer flavour, and lemon brightens everything so I can see why this dark chocolate bar made it in to the collection. It sounds like the ultimate uplift!

I know not everyone approves of white chocolate, but I LOVE it. Creamy vanilla makes me think of ice cream on a beach, and the golden colour is reminiscent of the sand too.

All of these bars, plus a whole host of other delicious treats are available on the Montezumas website for £2.59 for a 90g bar. Which flavour are you going for first?