
Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Boots: Sarenza
Tights: I have no idea, as ever.
Excuse the terrible light in these photos, they were taken really early (like, pre-7am) Saturday morning as I was down to work the Saturday surgery at work for the first time…that also explains the tired look on my face, Saturday is the one day where I am not likely to be awake at 5am.
Still, it went smoothly and this dress makes me happy. I’d lusted after it for ages so when it went in to the sale for the exact amount I had on a giftcard it was a no brainer. It wasn’t until I had made my way in to work that I realised how much it rides up when I walk. I spent the rest ofΒ  the day shopping in Bristol trying desperately to cling on to my dignity…I managed it as well, until I got on the train home and flashed a carriage full of 13 year old boys. Oh well, they were happy at least?
Thank you for the well wishes for my talk yesterday, it went really well and I came away really quite proud of myself. I hope to do more of the same in the future, starting to give back a little of what I have been given over the years.
My summer holiday was booked yesterday too, oh man August cannot come fast enough. 12 days back in Spain where Ellie and I stayed last year…
Are you jetting off this summer?
Console me and tell me of times you’ve lost your dignity in public, please!

29 comments for “cheeky

  1. Gorgeous dress, can’t believe you flashed some boys on the train though haha (was it your bottom you flashed or, erm, other things? lol) Don’t worry I have made a fool of myself many times (skirt tucked into knickers etc) it’s all fun and games πŸ™‚

    Well done for yesterday, I had every faith in you for it, I bet they found it really useful listening to you talk about your experiences, well done!

    And wow, yey for holiday being booked!!! We can’t have a proper holiday this year with Mr Bertie now being self employed (& not getting sick pay or holiday pay) we have to save up enough money in the bank to cover the mortgage incase something happens, we do active holidays so the likelihood of broken bones etc is high, I am surprised we have escaped without major injury so far and you can bet once one of us isn’t getting sick pay they will break a bone!! lol)so we are just going to do lots of weekends away πŸ™‚

    Have a lovely Tuesday πŸ™‚

    Janine xx
    Giveaway Post >>>

  2. Oh missy this dress looks super cute on you. Love love love the print. You are way too adorable x

  3. Your dress is so pretty – I love it when things like that happen with the sale and the giftcard πŸ™‚ and I have many a time had to cling on to my own dignity having not realised how badly a dress really fitted me!! Luckily for me (and you with your tights on Saturday!), I always wear tights, so it’s never as bad as it could be πŸ™‚ fab news about your holiday – 12 days in the sun, ahhh heaven! I doubt we’ll get away far this year, my job’s about to end and we’re supposed to be saving up! But my hope is that we can return to our favourite spot in the Lakes for a few days, or even just a day trip would satisfy the longing to return πŸ™‚ xx

  4. Sorry to hear about your flashing incident! But I am glad to hear that skirt riding up thing happens to other people too! Drives me nuts! Oh well, it does look lovely! xx

  5. Oh I do hate the ‘dress looked the right length in the changing room’ situation. I still think they should make standard length dresses longer, it’s a lot easier to take up a hem line than finding a dress if you’re over 5’6!

    Yay for holidays, I had two last year so can’t really afford one this year which is pretty depressing.

  6. Well done on your talk πŸ˜€ The collar of this dress is awesome!

    I find a lot of stuff from my work rides up, which is annoying as I obvs have to wear it as uniform. There are too many shameful experiences for me to remember but I suppose the worst is one that has been recounted to me as I have no recollection of it: I drunkenly fell head first down double decker bus steps on a very full student night bus. Miraculously I got away without injury but it could have been disastrous!

  7. Aww I really do hate when dresses decide to climb their way up your legs whilst walking. It looks very pretty though πŸ™‚

  8. You look amazing, I am a complete klutz so I am always making a fool of myself in public!

    So jealous of your Spain trip too!

    Maria xxx

  9. Yay for booking holidays!
    Not only do I love your dress (like, need your dress) but I also LOVE your hair like this xx

  10. Just so you know, you are totally and utterly amazing. Massive congrats on doing the talk <3

    I’m sure I’ve flashed people in public by accident. Actually, I know I have because I made the mistake of wearing a lovely floaty skirt on a school trip – wind got it and half my college saw my pants. At least I had nice knickers on? haha. Happens to everyone at some point.

    Lovelove xxx

  11. I adore this dress on you it is gorgeous! It’s so pretty!

    As for public dignity well, being a super tall girl I had thrown on a pair of coloured purple tights which being high street didn’t go all the way up, so I threw a pair of big granny pants over the top to hold them up. The problem was the sides of them were coming down so it sort of looked like I had odd gathered stockings and a low gusset with a big white pair of granny pants.

    Anyway I threw on my dress and it looked fine no one could tell and off I went. Standing at the traffic lights outside my uni where there is a very busy junction my dress blew up in the winter wind leaving me and my big granny pants exposed to students, drivers and everyone else. the shame!


  12. So glad yesterday went well! Also eeek holidays! How exciting! πŸ™‚

    You look gorgeous here, that dress is super cute!


  13. I love the dress – the detail is just lovely. Oh your summer holiday plans sound lovely. I need to start planning mine! xx

  14. That’s so exciting that you’ve booked your holiday. I’m going to the Isles of Scilly and to Reading festival this year. August cannot come soon enough!

    Glad your talk went well πŸ™‚ xx

  15. So glad the talk went will, knew it would πŸ™‚
    Love the dress x

  16. That dress is so sweet. Lol at flashing the boys! X

  17. I WANT THE DRESS! Give it to me please. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Give it to me. I am not as tall as you so probably won’t have the flashing problem =)

    Hurrah for holiday being booked!

    Corinne x

  18. you look so pretty x

    cath kidston giveaway:

  19. I love that dress so much. The plaid looks really good on you and the fitting is perfect.

  20. what an amazing dress.. the collar is definitely a winner for me! xx

    The Littles.

  21. I have that dress too! It looks great on you!
    So happy the talk went well for you πŸ™‚

  22. Such a pretty dress! Hope the flashing wasn’t too bad! I seem to have a habit of that happening too much to my despair!

    Ooo where in Spain are you off to? Hope you have a lovely time and hope that it comes around soon!

    Jodie xx

  23. Girrrrl, you are working this dress.

    The Style Rawr!

  24. Aha, glad the chat went well πŸ™‚ I can only imagine how inspiring your story is for others. And lucky you getting your hols booked too! I have a few trips planned this year but nothing exotic – hopefully if finances allow I’ll be able to rectify that!

  25. How totally cute is that dress?
    Summer can’t come fast enough for sure, I’m so looking forward to a bit of holiday sun too πŸ™‚ xxx

  26. Jealous of your holiday! It’s hard to imagine but one day there will be sunshine… Love the boots and the boots + the tartan. x

  27. I love the dress. I was on my way to a wedding in a red satin dress with my tailcoat over the top, I was walking down the road carrying two Satrbucks and this lovely lady patted me on the shoulder and pointed to my skirt which had completely gotten caught up with my dress. The bad news is that I’d just walked past a whole road of builders with my bum on show the good news was that I did happen to have tights on!! So embarrassing!! x

  28. Gorgeous dress! Haha don’t worry, we’ve all been there in that flashing situation! Glad the talk went well and am very jealous of your holiday! xxx