clearly my mind has wandered

I don’t know what’s come over me, but having just checked out I’m starting to think one of these would make the perfect Christmas Day attire.

Warm, cosy…and no waist bands/belts to loosen after a third helping of Christmas Dinner.

Perhaps my senses have vanished with my voice (it’s still not back!)

Fancy one for yourself? Head down to their new shop in Boxpark, Shoreditch, or check out the website!


18 comments for “clearly my mind has wandered

  1. Haha, the onsie envy has obviously grown! I can’t recommend them highly enough. Big bonus point: lots of room for Christmas dinner.


  2. You’ve gone completely mad!

    Haha, ok, maybe not completely, it does look pretty damn snuggly… I could be tempted…

  3. This would have been perfect when my boiler broke. Only good for Christmas if you’re not the one having to get a steam facial from draining the veg though – having a face that matches your hot-pink onsie is something to avoid!

  4. Uh la la – I wouldnt mind having this – I think I am anemic (although I been told NO) but I stay cold – I am always cold and this looks like something I can use.

  5. If I didn’t have to go out visiting mine and his family on Christmas day I would totally spend the whole day in this! I love it!
    The only annoyance I have with them is how could it is when you go to the toilet! xx

  6. Amy

    Is it weird that I am kinda loving this?!

  7. Jo

    I have secretly always wanted one of these and now they’re (sort of?!) in fashion! I remember seeing one online last year with DINOSAURS on it. I defy anybody to say that’s not cool.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. No I want one too! Me and my lovely flatmate are thinking of having a day of watching Disney dvds in onesies before we go home to our families for xmas. They just look perfect for being all snuggled up in!

  10. Oh Em Geee I need! Hope your voice comes back soon 🙂 xx

  11. While they look cosy I don’t think I could ever picture myself buying/wearing one ever!

  12. I really really want one haha.

    I’ve found a red panda one which I LOVE, I can definitely see the appeal.. xxx

  13. omigosh that is so cute I love the hood!

    Def get it!!


  14. eep, I want one, I think my boyfriend would kill me if I ever got one though, hahahaha 🙂

  15. I was admiring these the other day. Love them but they’re crazy expensive! Christmas would be awesome in a onesie… x