
Primark skirt, Next jumper, Blink boots c/o Spartoo. Worn for a silent day in the office yesterday where the I several times forgot my lack of voice and went to answer the phones.

Today I’ve woken up with a full blown cold, and still no voice so it’s going to be a day under the duvet with tea and a book. I’m gutted to be missing work (this close to Christmas) and also the MyStreetChic blogger Christmas party later on tonight. At first I was too nervous to think about going, but then I bought a ticket and had my outfit all planned out…including my Dune glitter shoes.

I’m just hoping I’m fully recovered in time for the work Christmas party next week. Getting ill during party season is just cruel.

I hope no-one else is suffering from a festive flu

 (What nails shall I opt for next week? I couldn’t resist a Rebel Nails haul…as well as an ebay purchase of China Glaze Lorelei’s Tiara)


25 comments for “laced

  1. Lovely outfit, the skirt is gorgeous!
    So gutted you can’t come to the meet, I really would have loved to meet you! Hope that you’re feeling better soon.
    Those nail wraps are fab! I prefer the penguins but I have a bit of a penguin fetish so I would haha
    Take care hun and get better soon


  2. Beautiful skirt. You look lovely.

    X x

  3. Pretty skirt, I kove the Rebel nails.. maybe the blue ones !

  4. I love that outfit, I’m planning on wearing something similar soon – I love the mix of more casual stuff with dressy fabric like lace or sparkle. Really hope you feel better soon chick x

  5. love the skirt and I would go for the penguin nails, how cool are they?!
    Get well soon, it’s no fun being ill around Christmastime x

  6. Tor

    Your boots are lovely, perfect for this time of year!
    I hope you feel better soon xxx

    Tor @ That’s Peachy Fashion Blog xx

  7. Love this outfit, hope you feel better soon xx

  8. I like the contrast of the lace with the biker boots 🙂

  9. Oh no really hope you get well soon Laura. Sending you lots of well wishes!

  10. Loving the penguin nails! Too cute x

  11. Aww the penguins are so cute!

  12. penguin nails are incredible! would look lovely with your icy blue lace skirt 🙂

    feel better soon, hope you make it to the party!

  13. how gorgeous is this minty skin with your lovely hair colour! xx

  14. the skirt is so pretty! I am loving the nail stickers, they are awesome X

  15. The penguin nails are ace! Definitely though 🙂 Hope you feel better soon xx

  16. oooh definitely go with the penguin nails…SO CUTE!!! xx

  17. The lace skirt is so pretty 🙂 I love the penguin nails! Sorry your missing out on the party, feel better soon! x

  18. really nice look!!! love it!!!

    xoxo from rome

  19. Your laced skirt is gorgeous !! Love your boots too 🙂
    Hope you feel better soon !!

    Caithlin y Eva

  20. i love rebel nails! The penguin ones are cute! x

  21. Oh poor you Laura! Hope it comes back soon, but make sure you rest it! I’m highly irritated after a day of singing (2 concerts and 2 rehearsals) that I’m losing my voice, AGAIN! It’s getting boring now!
    Love the skirt by the way- is it recent Primark? I’m tempted!

  22. Lovely blog.
    I like your outfit!
    Visit mines when you get a chance 😉

  23. The nail wraps are absolutely amazing!!

    LOVE the penguins!

    I hope your voice comes back soon!! xx

  24. I have had this skirt in my wardrobe for over 12months, but have never been brave enough to wear it. Taking inspiration from you xxx