Cool as a Qcumber

How bloody briiliant are these jumpers by new kids on the block Qcumber?

Soft, comfortable and unisex the jumpers are available to buy online in an array of fruits and vegetables at a purse-friendly £29.95

My personal favourite is the purple bananas

I vote that we all bookmark this site, perfect for Christmas, Birthdays and pretending to buy for your partner so you can wear it yourself,

the perfect way to get your five-a-day!

Which one do you fancy?


16 comments for “Cool as a Qcumber


    i want

    i need

    i am going to check the site RIGHT now

    thankyou muchly x

  2. o so cool! Love the cucumber one x

  3. It’s a toss-up between the cucumbers and the pineapple…. hmmm buy both?! 😛

  4. Oh my! These are awesome! Those purple bananas are amazing indeed. Though I think those pineapples are pretty cute too:) Nice find!

  5. Love these! Saw a guy on the bus yesterday with a similar jumper, but it was rows of rubber ducks with little umbrellas on top – it looked amazing.

  6. Oh the pineapples are too cute. You’ve gotta love a company that offers free p&p as well!

  7. pineapples look adorable too.the second one is so great!

  8. Oh my word, I must own them all! I’m obsessed with fruit themed things! x

  9. The pineapple one is so cute! You find the best links Laura. xxx

  10. Super cute! I like the cucumbers 🙂

  11. Mat

    up with veggies!

  12. I’m in heaven!!!!!! You’re totally enabling my habit again!!

  13. I interviwed David Van reyk from Qcumber on my blog He’s such a nice and inspirational man- the navy cucumber edition is my favorite!

    with love Pippa.x