some bunny

I will never stop loving this Miss Selfridge jumper, nope. I’ve been waiting for the weather to get chilly enough to wear it and now it has! Hurrah (biblical rain, floods and thunder excluded from the yay-ness). Worn with Bershka jeans that cost me all of a fiver from Ventee Privee and bare feet for slounching around the house on an afternoon off.

And there is not much else to report, this week has been very low-key so far. I can feel germs invading my body thanks to my constant close contact with patients and I am a sleepy little thing (bed at 8pm, oops!). Major excitement after posting my Qcumber post yesterday in discovering the random parcel on my bed that I had assumed was something boring I had ordered turned out to contain my very own PURPLE BANANA jumper, woah. Expect to see that worn soon!

What’s happening in your world? Please tell me I’m not the only one succumbing to super early nights? I’m blaming it on the extra food I’m eating and the fact my body is working super hard to repair itself…it’s hard work you know?!


17 comments for “some bunny

  1. That jumper is so cute : ) I’m having early nights too – think this time of year just makes me want to hibernate for a bit in the hope the rubbish weather will pass – might be waiting a while!

  2. that jumper is so cute and I love those jeans on you. I need some early nights sharpish

  3. Great Jumper. In my head I immediately starting singing “when some bunny loves you” Instead of “when some body loves you” from toy story. Its been a long week is my only excuse!

    If I had my way I would be in bed that early too but its been a little hectic this week, made worse by the fact my backs been wrecking.

    Roll on the weekend I say!

    X x

  4. When ever I see you wear this jumper it puts a smile on my face.

  5. LOVE the jumper, I need one! Your hair is looking super lovely too!
    Yes to the early nights, winter makes me tired..

    Jesss xo

  6. Anonymous

    those jeans don’t fit you but they look awesome! You always look amazing. I love your jumper too. Don’t worry about early nights, I too fell asleep around the same time as you! I blame the cold weather!!

    Keep going lovely, you are doing great

  7. Can’t wait to see this jumper!

  8. I LOVE that jumper, I am in bed by 8.30 at night now as I’m up at 5 every day! 🙁

    Maria xxx

  9. Vix

    Gorgeous! You look snuggly and cute and lovely! x

  10. Hi from Hellloooo Cotton new friend!! I am enjoying your blog.. and that cute freakin rabbit sweater!! la sigh… so cute.

    Keep in touch!!

  11. Great look! I love that jumper as well! It suits you too! x

  12. its such a cute jumper – i love that theres quite a lot of knitwear with woodland animals on at the moment – cute and snuggly!

    hope you dont come down with anything!

    lucy xx

  13. Always loved that bunny jumper too xxx