Daisy Chain Dreaming: Daisy Lace & Studs from Lola&Grace

How stunning is this jewellery from quirky brand Lola&Grace? It takes a certain something to make me want to post about something on the blog; if I shared every press release I recieved this blog would soon lose focus; and although my posts are eclectic, they are all things I truly adore. Jewellery is a weak point for me…I’m like a magpie, attracted to anything that shines. Traditionally I’ve always opted for more delicate pieces, especially when it comes to neck adornment, but I would happily wear each and every one of these pieces, and I suspect one or two will feature highly on my Birthday wish-list.

And how much for these wonderful creations?
Well, I was shocked…

From top to bottom:

Daisy lace necklace – £23.90
Daisy lace cuff – £29.90
Daisy lace earrings – £15.90
Spiral rebound necklace – £31.90
Spiral rebound ring – £23.90
Spiral rebound earrings – £23.90
Spiral rebound bracelet – £21.90
Gem petals necklace – £39.90

Gem petals ring – £31.90


If you had to narrow it down, which piece would you pick? I’m erring toward the Gem Petals Necklace (and perhaps the ring!)


10 comments for “Daisy Chain Dreaming: Daisy Lace & Studs from Lola&Grace

  1. Une très belle collection de bijoux…
    Gros bisous

  2. Blimey that’s reasonably priced! I love the spiral rebound necklace – I would very much like to own it! 🙂

  3. Reasonably priced & gorgeous! What a great combo, some lovely pieces xx

  4. The ring is really unusual! I love it 🙂 x

  5. Gorgeous pieces! Have a lovely weekend:)

  6. Angela

    I love the dasiy lace earings and the spiral bound bracelet the best 🙂 Have a great weekend! x

  7. I like all of these but the gem petal necklace had to be my fav. The prices are really good too… this could find it’s way to my birthday wish list too!

  8. Some stunning jewellery. I rather like the spiral rebound necklace.

    X x

  9. I love the ring!


  10. I’d definitely go for the daisylace earrings!!!!!