Daisy Day

Yesterday was a day for all things Daisy; from my New Look (last year) dress, to the clip in my hair. What you can’t see in these photos is just how long my hair has got…it’s half way down my back and in desperate need of a good few inches off to sort out the frazzled ends…I’ll probably go ahead and bleach them and enjoy some dip-dye before I get them chopped; I’m having a hard time finding a hair dresser locally that doesn’t charge the earth just for a trim! I’m not even sure what to do with my hair to be honest; I’m thinking of just getting a tonne of layers cut in as my hair is so thick it’s the only way to ease the bushiness of it, and then get a chopping but long style. I am a bit hair hopeless, as you may have gathered by now.

I’m off to my friend’s wedding today; I’ve spent all week tearful and on edge, grief, it seems, doesn’t like to leave quickly…but I woke up this morning, albeit stupidly early, with bubbles of excitement for the day ahead!

Louise and James…I couldn’t be happier for you.


24 comments for “Daisy Day

  1. This is such a fab outfit for you with all the daisies. You look beautiful in the first pic have a lovely day xoxo

  2. That dress is perfect for you.

    Hope you have a fab day today xx

  3. The dress just screams you xx

  4. Enjoy the wedding,all those daisies are just gorgeous!

  5. Love this outfit, its so you, an so appropriate for your blog!
    Have a lovely day

    Jess x

  6. I wanted that dress so much! Jealous! Haha

  7. BEAUTIFUL hair colour, deep and vibrant.

  8. You look fab! Hope you have a lovely day:)

  9. Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous x

  10. Dreamy daisies – perfect! Lovely day for your friends’ wedding, have fun x

  11. all the daisys, how pretty. Such good luck to get this weather for a wedding x

  12. Pretty pretty daisies! Enjoy your weekend x

  13. LOVE this outfit, you look gorgeous!
    Hope you have a wonderful day – you definitely deserve it!


  14. Absolutely lovely and classic you! The daisies are beautiful, on your dress and on the bow in your pretty red hair. Your selection of tights is excellent too. You still look painfully thin, but your hair is lovely. I hope you’re enjoying your Spring and get to see many of your Daisy Chain Dreams come true.

  15. love love love the daisys xxx

  16. So pretty! Enjoy the wedding! xo

  17. You should definitely wear your hair like that more often it looks fabulous.

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  18. I love this outfit so much, the dress looks really pretty on you 🙂

    I hope you’ve had a lovely day!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  19. Great outfit. Hope you had great day and that the wedding went well.

    X x

  20. Ugh I FEEL YOUR PAIN. How can they charge the same for a trim as they would for someone who has rapunzel hair wanting it all chopped off into a bob?


    Sorry this is a sore subject for me!


  21. Cat

    Oh my gosh, you are so beautiful! You look absolutely stunning. I hope that you had a good day, and that your friends had a lovely wedding.

  22. I think your hair is such a beautiful colour right now. I also think a bit of dip die will be fun!

  23. i do love me some daisies! perfect dress and im loving the hair!!

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