Degustabox- May 2018*

Yep, it’s already that time of the month! It’s time to get yourself comfortable and get ready for some serious stomach rumbling as you make your way through my latest Degustabox* review. The May 2018 box was world cup themed- now I’m not a football fan, in fact I was only vaguely aware that it was world cup year! However, I can see how a lot of the products in this month’s box would appeal to those gathering round to support their favourite team…let’s dive in!
There was a kitten sized mishap with the May product of the month, hence the mug shot of Pablo, the destroyer of anything. He managed to break in to the packet of mini coconut and black pepper soft tortillas- we left them un-attended for all of five minutes and came back to find them ripped open and mostly devoured. Given the speed in which he munched them I’d say they were a hit, but it did mean my plans of making some wraps using the Caribbean creamy chicken curry mix (both from Santa Maria Latin American Kitchen) had to be put on a back burner until I can find these wraps in the shops. Cheers Pablo! The sauce mix costs £1.00 and the tortillas £1.50
Long term readers will know by now that I won’t have tried the reduced sugar drink from Say Aloe- I’m sure it’s very nice if you like that kind of thing, but I can’t bring myself to try it and will pass this on to someone braver than I. The lemonade from We Made was delicious though, really delicious. It’s rare I enjoy a soft drink that isn’t diet coke or pepsi max but if I saw this in the shops on a hot day I’d 100% grab it.
Lucozade was a fitting addition to a sport themed box, and I am sure most people are familiar with this old school classic- my old faithful hangover cure in my drinking days! Aloe drink £1.49, Lemonade £1.50, Lucozade £1.10.
These Ciders from The Good Cider would be perfect for post match celebration, or commiseration. Despite my west-country origins I am not a cider drinker but these went down exceptionally well with my father.
KitKats are my all time favourite chocolate bar, you can’t beat the original but these white chocolate bites come close! These are the ideal size for sharing, although they taste so good I can’t help but feel they won’t last long enough to be shared around. RRP is £1.59 but you’ll often find them on offer for £1.
(On an aside to this, who has tried the Ruby KitKat yet? So fragrant but pretty tasty!)
Another product from KitKat and another one I really, really don’t want to share! The return of KitKat senses was good news to many, and I’ve been looking for these locally with no success. Individually wrapped and in three flavours- double chocolate, hazelnut and salted caramel these are really very good- although I’d like to see a more imaginative flavour selection from nestle in the future, there’s so much potential! £3.99 per sharing box.
Brioche Pasquier products remind me of my school days, I often had one of their filled brioche rolls in my lunch box and the taste, unchanged for years, transports me right back. These are brilliant little snacks for picnics, car journeys, day trips, breakfast on the go…individually wrapped and small enough to not be too naughty I’m steadily working my way through both varieties right now. At £1.39 for a pack of 4 they are a pretty good value snack as well.
For those who don’t yet know, Degustabox* is a monthly food subscription box that gives you the chance to try new and exciting products on the market whilst providing amazing value for money.
On a month by month basis the box costs £12.99 (with a discount for longer subscriptions) but the contents are generally worth far more than this as you can see if you do the maths.

If you’re persuaded to give Degustabox a go (and really, you should) you can claim a brilliant £5.00 off of your first box (making it just £7.99!) by entering the code 6HZJ8 at the checkout. It’s been a pleasure to work with the brand regularly over the last couple of years and it’s without a doubt something that I will continue to purchase long after our partnership ends. I love the monthly surprise and excitement as well as the chance to discover products I’d otherwise pass up on the supermarket shelves.
Let me know if you’ve tried any of these products and what you thought of them.


One comment for “Degustabox- May 2018*

  1. Hahaha, oh Pablo. Cats are brilliant and entirely bizarre in what they choose to want to eat. Totally adorable though and can be forgiven for going to town on the wraps, I’m sure. 🙂