DIY Fashionista

Another week and another brand new book to share with you folks; DIY is a big thing in the blogging world so I think this might be of interest to a lot of you; it certainly was to me!

DIY Fashionista by Geneva Vanderzeil contains 40 stylish DIY projects to re-invent and update your wardrobe without breaking the bank.
With step-by-step guides and instructions on the basics you don’t need to be a pro to use these ideas. The pictures and steps are clear and easy to follow (even I can understand them) and I can’t wait to give some of the projects a go.

This book, published by Carlton in Hardback in October 2012 priced at £16.99 is a worthy addition for any DIY loving blogger and with Christmas fast approaching would be a good one to pop on your list (or, if feeling generous to buy for someone else!)

What do you think? Are you a DIY fan? I’ve never really attempted much myself, I often find blog and youtube tutorials somewhat confusing but this book makes it clear as day and I am hoping to brave it and get crafting!


Big thank you to Carlton for sending me a copy of the book.

12 comments for “DIY Fashionista

  1. I’m always wanting to get into DIY but like you said I always find it a bit scary and confusing! This book looks so good, deffo need to get my hands on a copy!
    Love Holly x

  2. I used to love chopping up clothes and doing lots of DIY in my teens, but not done a good one in a while xxx

  3. It sound like a great book I find I’m doing a lot more D.I.Y. now than I used to and I love making tutorials to share, in fact I’ve got a really good one coming up soon xoxo

  4. Sam

    This looks fab – I’ve always been too scared of looking like a 5-year-old had made my clothes to give DIY a go, but I’m itching to try it out now!

    Sam Muses xx

  5. This book looks great! I keep meaning to learn how to make simple dresses but they seem really tricky!

  6. Amy

    Some of these look really cute. I love a bit of DIY!


  7. I’m horrible with DIY, I’m just not crafty enough.

  8. Oh, I like! I have several DIY and crafting books but I’m the kind of person that looks longingly at them but never actually does any of the fun stuff. I put it down to my sewing machine HATING me.

  9. this looks really interesting! i love diy although im not very good at it haha 🙂 xx

  10. This seems like a really good book!!

  11. DIY has recently taken over my life…not fully with outfits yet…i don’t think i’ll be very good at it. but this book looks amazing!

  12. I love her blog and have tried many of her ideas. I think this may well be on my Christmas list.

    X x