Don’t Ask Me

Got a burning question? Want to know how to bake your favourite cake, how to stop your nails splitting or need some relationship advice?

Well, don’t come to me for advice! I’m hopeless. Thankfully we have the Internet, and more specifically Top Tips for Girls which has recently re-launched with a brand new look, blog and fantastic competitions (you can currently win tickets to BINTM Live)

“Top Tips for Girls (, the website where women and girls of all ages ask
and receive advice on everything, from how to get pre-approval for a first time home loan to
how to tame a rogue eyebrow, is back online.

The site, which has over 30,000 users, was originally founded four years ago by Kate
Reardon, editor of Tatler magazine. Now, in a joint venture between Reardon and creative
agency, (Beta), is online again after a few months’ break.

Roni Dutta has been appointed the site’s new Editor. Formerly editor-in-chief of, Dutta has also written for, The Independent, The Mirror and The
Times Online. She was awarded the Johnson & Johnson award for Best Online Beauty
Journalist in 2008.

“I’m delighted to be working with The fantastic thing about the site
is that it’s a reflection of the very natural way women help each other out in real life – it’s
genuine, heartfelt, and, vitally, very funny .” Said Dutta.

“I’ve got some big, not to mention tremendously stylish, boots to fill, but I’m confident that
together with our loyal community of tipsters we can make bigger,
better and even more brilliant. I just can’t wait to get started!” allows women to receive and share tips and advice on relationships,
sex, health, style, beauty, hair, home, gardening, cooking, travel, money, work and pets.
Over the coming months the site will undergo a number of changes, including the addition
of video content, new functionality and a stylish re-design.”

I remember being aware of the site when it first launched, but never really paid it much attention as it wasn’t the easiest, or user friendly site to use. Over the weekend I’ve enjoyed browsing the site (where you can also submit your top tips) and reading the blog articles. I’ve signed up for the newsletter and daily top tip and look forward to some pearls of wisdom coming my way!

Website here

Blog here

Were you aware of the site before now? Will you be bookmarking it as your saviour?

What is YOUR top tip for life?


8 comments for “Don’t Ask Me

  1. Looks like a great site. I am particularly interested in all the tips on vintage clothes on there.

  2. Thanks for posting this! It looks like a great site!!

  3. Will definitely check it out! 🙂
    ( i think you used to follow my old blog – here’s my new one)

  4. I used to practically live on that site years ago! They have books out with all the top tips in from back then, really handy! x

  5. Sounds interesting! I hadn’t heard of it before, will have a read today 🙂

  6. This sounds interesting!
    Thanks for posting!

  7. D.

    Never heard of it, but I’ll check it out!

  8. My top tips:

    Never attempt to run wearing a Freya plunge bra.

    Never trust a man in a yellow tie.