dressing in the dark

Back to work,
back to taking photos whilst it’s still dark outside. Wearing Matalan skirt (Β£5 in the sale!) and Next Jumper.
Finally got round to colouring my hair yesterday. No more roots, and a slightly darker shade for the slightly darker time of year.

Other weekend activities included an overdose of bad TV, adventures in Chutney making and not a lot else!

Happy Monday


Giveaway here.

32 comments for “dressing in the dark

  1. Your hair looks great! Love the ever so slightly darker shade xx

  2. OMG! Your hair looks fantastic! I love your fringe! It looks so lovely and shiny too πŸ™‚

  3. Zee

    Lovely hair colour πŸ™‚
    You’re lucky – you seem to be able to wear pretty much anything for work! x

  4. the hair colour suits you so much !!!And I love your skirt.

    Claire xox

  5. great hair colour,great outfit πŸ™‚

  6. I do love your hair Red, really suits you.


  7. D.

    The hair and the outfit give out a certain vibe – autumnal, yet warm πŸ˜€

  8. I really really really love your hair! You’ve reminded me I really need to do mine as well…
    I like the skirt too πŸ™‚


  9. I love the skirt! And your hair is looking rather amazing πŸ™‚ xx

  10. Hair looks lovely Laura! And cute outfit as always, you manage to look so amazing so early in the morning. Please share your secret?

  11. Your hair colour looks great! x

  12. Love the hair colour and the skirt! I just went redder and darker, it feels much better for Autumn πŸ™‚

  13. Very seasonal, I love your hair xoxo

  14. Monday rolls around all too soon and as for darkness in the a.m. – BLEUGH!

    What chutney did you make??

  15. Boo it’s so rubbish getting up and going to work in the dark, I’m definitely a summer person! Really love this outfit, the skirt is a lovely colour x

  16. L

    Your hair is so, so cute!
    L x

  17. Vix

    Your hair is looking fabulous! x

  18. Your hair looks gorgeous! πŸ™‚ x

  19. Like the red!
    Argh, it’s horrible getting up when it’s dark!

  20. I love your hair xxx

  21. Did you say CHUTNEY? I’m sooo into savoury chutnies at the moment! Picallili, sweet onion chutney all sorts- love love love! WHat type what type???? MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Hair looks lovely by the way, sorry, I was overcome by chutney cravings!!!!)

  22. Your hair is as beautiful as you, stunning!

    Maria xxx

  23. Wow your hair looks stunning!

  24. Love that hair colour x

  25. your hair looks gorgeous, love that shade it really suits you!
    <3 Holz oxo

  26. The hair is looking beautiful! xx

  27. Oh my….your hair looks fantastic !!

  28. Jo

    Ooh please share the chutney making! I got a jam/preserve making kit for my birthday so I need some inspiration!

    Love your jumper too πŸ™‚

  29. Love the hair color!

    Wardrobe Stylists, NYC.


  30. You look incredible Laura, your hair looks so healthy & beautiful, really suits you xx

  31. Love the new and improved hair – looks fab. x