early mornings

Asda George (old), Tesco tights, New Look.

I love this dress, one of the redeeming factors of this chillier weather is the need for slightly longer sleeves. I remember hating the scarf print trend when it first emerged but the second I clamed eyes on this Asda gem I was converted. Of course, this trend has now long departed but this dress will be round for quite some time.
And these boots,
much coveted when they came out last year and snapped up for a mere £7 in one of New Look’s many sales; that’s shopping karma folk!

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my hair. When I had it cut I also had a lot of the bulk taken out…I have been cursed/blessed with exceptionally thick hair which is my main barrier to style. It means that FINALLY I have hair that I can wash and leave to try naturally, all I’ve been doing is spritzing it with this Studio Line Matt & Messy Salt Spray and I’m done. I picked mine up in Superdrug for a mere £1.49, but even at full price (£2.99) it’s a bargain and it smells gorgeous to boot.
Eventually my hair that dries outwards will return, but only if I keep putting off that trim! It’s nice to have the option of not straightening it yet not having to tie it up to hide the evidence.

What trends have you converted to?

What miracle hair products do you swear by?

14 comments for “early mornings

  1. I don’t know how you do early morning photos – I just can’t face it! You are all over the bargains at the moment. Clever shopping. X

  2. Vix

    You look ace! Love that dress and your hair rocks! x

  3. Love the dress!! I’m fairly crap with my hair, I’ve started using mousse to give it a bit of volume, usually it just hangs flatly.. xx

  4. I suck with all things hair, I just wash it and let it dangle! hahaha
    Love that dress on you.

  5. I don’t use many hair products, but I looove Moroccan Oil, the original one. It leaves hair silky soft and shiny, and it smells so good!

    Love the dress xo

  6. WERK. i love this print on you! i’m now a massive argan oil convert, late to the party as always…xx

  7. Gorgeous dress! You always manage to find such bargains, so jel xxx

  8. Love that dress 🙂

  9. You always look so chic!

    I must confess to being grotesquely lazy with my hair, although Batiste dry shampoo will always hold a place in my heart for the brilliance for people (like myself) who are rarely arsed with their hair. My hair I tend to just toss up haphazardly, or leave to do it’s own wavy/curly thing. It’s regularly a tad explosive! x

  10. You look SO much better than I do in the mornings, I am hating my early starts at the moment!

    Maria xxx

  11. You look fabulous in this dress and your hair looks great 🙂 xx

  12. Love that dress on you! Your hair colour is looking amazing too.


  13. I love this dress! I tried it on and it looked rubbish on me but it’s gorgeous on you! Love those boots with it too.. what a bargain!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk