Early Starts

Monday…it always rolls around so damn fast. Today is already dragging, it was another early start for me today, 6:15am due to my stupid bladder. No clue what it’s playing at but I’m not amused.
I plan to take it easy, which is no real change from usual to be quite honest, but it gave me the perfect excuse just to sling on one of my £6 New Look jersey dresses and be done with outfit decisions.


These dresses (I have blue as well) have without a doubt been my top summer purchase. I’ve worn them loads and for £6 the quality has been fantastic, my coral one is fading a little now, but it just adds to the overall affect. And yes, I used this picture on the old blog, but it’s just one of those days 😉

I’m posting up these necklaces in the hopes someone will take them off my hands. I’m desperate for new supplies but daren’t order anything until I make some space!
Each necklace is £3.50 each for the UK, and £4.50 for overseas (that includes postage). Leave me a comment with your e-mail address if you’d like one and I’ll get in touch. I’ll also gladly trade.


Mini Eiffel Tower


Shoe Love


Copper Puffed Heart


Scary/Kinda Cute Bunny.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week ahead,
my plans don’t amount to much, I’m in college on Weds to speak to more prospective Journalism students which means a little trip to the shops after, it’s been too long! Hopefully if the weather is good Mum will tag along too.
I also fully intend to make some flapjack tomorrow, though that depends on how motivated I feel.


31 comments for “Early Starts

  1. 2day morning i was wearing my eiffel tower and my mum loves him everytime she watches i am wearing it she tells me how she likes him!!!
    i love him too !!!thanks to you i am having something i wanted so much and i didn’t knew where to find !!

  2. loving your outfit as usual, and that eiffel tower necklace is just ever so cute ♥

  3. Kb

    Hope you’re feeling okay; that journalism speech sounds exciting.

  4. Vik

    jersey dresses are the best! since my operation im living in loose long vests and leggings, so low maintenance and comfortable!

  5. Loving that jersey dress, and that little Eiffel Tower is so cute!

  6. J’adore that tank dress. The color. The way it flows. So divine! 🙂

  7. I love that dress!!

    So I have finally come around to updating my links and adding you to my google reader. Nice new spot!


  8. Love your dress ~ perfect for summer!


  9. love the scary bunny

  10. E

    That dress is so soft and pretty. I’ve been hunting for something just like that.

  11. phew, i found you, i don’t know, I go on holiday for a couple of weeks and you go and disappear 🙂
    Hope you’re okay x

  12. love your outfit, honey!
    I would love to have the heart necklace, however, I wondered if you could make it a lot longer for me? I would pay more for that of course.
    you can get back to me on nearlystylish@mail.com.
    have a lovely week, hugs

  13. I love the coral colour of that dress!

  14. Great dress! Love the necklaces too.

  15. THIS is a great color on you! ADORE it!


  16. Those tank dresses are definitely a versatile sumemr staple. I got something similar out of H&M and have been wearing them non-stop. So many cute necklaces, but unfortunately I have way too many as well. And can’t stop buying more… sigh. Hope you’re having a lovely week so far 🙂

  17. I had no idea you had a blog, but now I’m happy I do. Love the necklaces by the way and save me a flapjack, or a pancake, whatever they are they sound good haha

  18. love those tops sis! 😉

  19. Hi doll- just realized that you had moved your blog! Am updating you on my blogroll!!!

    Also, please send me an email about some of your jewelry! I would gladly buy one! dreamsequins(at)gmail(dot)com.

    Speaking of announcements– I’m running a fun little postcard exchange on my bloggie. 🙂

  20. Ah the effiel tower charm is sweet.

  21. Have fun on Wednesday then! Like your coral dress. I really need a new dress.

  22. Hey girly! how ya been? hope summer’s going good for you<3

    I love the eiffel tower necklace! It’s so cute, and the dress looks gorgeous on you 🙂

    xox, mavi

    PS sorry if this posted twice!

  23. I love those necklaces:)

  24. I love the color of your dress!

  25. Love that color on you! And I hope people buy the heck outta your jewelry. I’m loving my teacup!

  26. the jersey dress is perfect for you, i love the eiffel necklaces 🙂


  27. Love the dress and the necklaces !
    will be following

    Love miiicha

  28. i LOVE the eiffel tower charm 🙂 and the color of your dress is beautiful! oxoxox

  29. cute dress!
    and the eiffel tower necklace is soo charming 🙂

  30. It is really a good outfit dont worry it suits you.

    Lise charmel lingerie