
Well, what can I say? It’s not been a very good few days, between losing my blog AND my e-mail account (that I’ve had since I’ve 15, and as a consequence I’ve lost some precious e-mails from Emily) and then getting a phone call from the Drs to say something was funky with my blood tests and I needed to come in and get them re-done…
yeah. Life goes like that sometimes.

thank you very much to all of you who’ve found me over here and helped to spread the word. Please, continue to do so, I don’t want to lose touch with anyone..I don’t care about readership numbers or comment numbers, I just want my friends!

Here’s what I’ve been wearing for the last couple of days.



New Look top and skirt, Tesco tights. The weather was so strange yesterday, alternating between gorgeous and warm, to chilly with hammering rain.




This is something a bit (very) different for me, I’ve never done strapless before due to my lack of … anything in the chest department. However the dress was passed on to me via Trudi and I fell in love and was determined to make it work.
Remembering I had blood tests and was meeting my grandparents for lunch, I stuck on some neutral tights and a light weight cardigan (and totally impractical shoes) before heading out.

The dress is from New Look.

Fingers crossed the next few days are less traumatic for me, the weather has certainly improved and I’m taking that as a good sign!

55 comments for “Outfits

  1. The dress is so lovely. Don’t wear this kind of clothes too, my chest is pretty much flat >.<

  2. LOVE the strapless dress!
    And I’m changing your url on my blog list & bloglovin right now ^-^

  3. omg, that totally sux!
    i was wondering y i cldnt c ur posts and stuff…
    loving the outfits tho!!!

  4. sorry to hear about your old blog! but welcome to the new! πŸ˜‰ love strapless on you. who cares if we don’t have the boobies? lol

  5. Hey hun

    Wow I love that skirt its so pretty.
    Good luck with the whole blood test thing, poor you…just drop me a email if you want to moan about the blood test stuff πŸ˜‰

    Happy Friday πŸ™‚

    prettyneOns XxX

  6. oh that’s bad, when those things happen πŸ™ i hope everything will get in place for you! i think your blog is really lovely, and you look beautiful there. i love both outfits, you are very inspiring πŸ™‚ <3

  7. I think that you look very nice in the dress, it suits you!


  8. Anonymous

    The strappless dress is AWESOME! I love it. It looks fab. πŸ™‚

  9. Aww.. changes are good.. even if they come unexpectedly. πŸ™‚ Ive had a few medical scares as well so I kind of understand what you feel. Hope everything’s fine!


    That dress looks amazing on you.. its denim no? I love it. Oh and I updated your link.



  10. I especially love the skirt and dress, as they are polar oppersites. The skirt brings out your younger more girly side, whereas the dress makes you look all grown up! Also is that a tatoo I spy on your back? They fascinate me!
    p.s. Thanks for your lovely comment πŸ™‚

  11. that strapless dress looks gorgeous on you!
    oh dear, I hope the blood tests turn out OK. *hugs*

  12. Woops I think I just posted the wrong comment in the wrong window.

    Anyway, what happened to the old blog.. congrats to the new one! Strapless dresses are tricky to wear, but you pull it off so well!


  13. hey love!! again so sorry about the hacker situation πŸ™ people can be sooo cruel and immature!!!

    you look beautiful in your outfits– i LOVE the strapless dress on you! and your tattoo is soo cute!! a butterfly right?!? love it!!!

    no worries about the blood test– it will be FINE– sending lots of positivity your way xoxoxoxo

  14. beautiful! i love the lighting in the photos!!!


  15. Ah the skirt’s really nice!

  16. Wow, I really like the dress! It looks great on you! I hope everything goes well with the blood tests. ^^

  17. Love the pleated detail on the back!
    Sorry to hear that you have to move to a new site!…shall update my link now. Lovely weekend~


  18. That dress is divine! It really suits you! And I hope things pick up for you this week…stay positive sweetheart πŸ™‚

  19. oh i hate days like those, when everything just turned against you for no apparent reason… totaly sucks man. but dont worry, be happy, youll have a beautiful day soon, karma ;)(not that i believe in that, but im sure you cant have mental days forever right?)
    btw, i love your skirt and you dress, beauties πŸ˜€


  20. Vik

    yay!! i found you! i got very confused and thought you had stopped blogging and continued to check your old address! (i blame me being a natural blonde!)
    magpie-girl.blogspot.com xx

  21. I love the skirt!! πŸ™‚ xxx

  22. I love love LOVE the new black dress on you!!! Looks soo fabulous πŸ˜€

    xox, mavi

  23. You look lovely as usual. I’m sorry about the trying work. I hope things get better!

  24. So sorry you’re having a hard time.. *hugs*

    I love your outfits though!

  25. You look divine in strapless – you should wear it more often. Gorgeous pictures! πŸ™‚

  26. I love both looks.

  27. im hoping you’ve been enjoying your weekend, stress free! you deserve it. and best of luck with the blood tests (i know the unknown feeling!)

    you look beautiful, despite these past few days. and i think you need to wear strapless more often! i think less of a chest, the better.

    XO brooke

  28. i hope your luck changes lady<3
    you look lovely.


  29. oh im sorry to hear this darling! thanks for letting me know of your new address dear.
    i love both outfits on you.the skirt is so pretty and the strapless dress is super sleek on you!
    hope the blood tests etc go well dear

  30. i dont agree with cosmosshow on the strapless dress, i style lots of women with small busts in strapless styles,plus we see lots of stylish stars with smaller busts rock that style too.you dont need a large bust to wear a strapless dress.
    big kiss

  31. I found you!
    I reckon that, after days like those, there must be something good coming around the corner for you πŸ™‚

  32. love the blue dress! it looks great on you!

    Have a great week!

  33. sorry to hear about your loss of your blog and e-mail account. you look beautiful in that dress. i also have a small chest and find that strapless things work better on me..especially strapless bikinis. hope all is well!



  34. I’m so sorry to hear you lost your email and the blog. Boo, that just plain sucks πŸ™

    Still, on the positive you’ve got this great new one and the chance to improve anything you weren’t too keen on.

    p.s. Love both outfits, esp the skirt in the first and the gorgeous dress in the second….what is your tatt of by the way?

    have a lovely week bella!

  35. the black dress honey is amazing
    i can feel you cause things also with doesn’t go well these days but we have to be strong !

  36. Love both outfits on you! The strapless definitley suits you well…I don’t think a huge chest is necessary for strapless (actually, it’s worse if you have something.. umm.. spilling out). Sorry to hear about the doctors and other troubles… ugh, when it pours it rains, but don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do fine and a week from now you’ll be laughing about it.

  37. I found you….such a pain about your old blog and everything…

    Love that last dress on your. Strapless actually really suits you. You look great.

    Love Jojo x

  38. sorry to hear you’re having a hard time, lovely! πŸ™ i hope things get better soon!

    that dress looks absolutely fabulous on you – don’t worry, you totally make strapless work πŸ™‚ x

  39. aww thats so sad that that happened to you . it would be my worst nightmare to lose my blog .
    love this skirt .so cute!
    im following you here now

  40. You should think about doing strapless more often! You have great shoulders.

  41. whoa, that strapless dress looks amazing on you! love the butterfly tattoo, too! πŸ™‚ you look stunning in those pictures, darling!
    I hope everything will work out for you, hold on girl.

  42. E

    Such a pretty skirt! I love your dress, too!

  43. ah hope everything will be better for you from now going forward. btw, the 2nd second is just too cute. hope you had a great weekend.

  44. loveee ur skirts πŸ™‚

  45. really nice floral skirt…i also like the plain lace on the top..
    chic dress too

  46. lovely floral skirt πŸ˜€

  47. that dress really brings out your tattoo, which is really cute by the way.


  48. you look hot in this!
    your gorgeous.

  49. dude, that strapless dress looks INCREDIBLE!
    you have the figure to pull it off, oh my gosh.
    absolutely gorgeous.
    mad props!

  50. Skirt looks cute, love the strapless dress too, it really suits you x

  51. Anonymous

    Hello. And Bye.

  52. i think drsses like that (the strapless) are designed for girls like you. the back is lovely and that tatto is very cute. i too wish i had more going on in the chest department

  53. Anonymous

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  54. The photo of you showing your tattoo, your tattoo is beautiful, you are beautiful, it’s a beautiful photo