edging closer

And now we’ve hit those final few days…the moment we hit December 20th everything suddenly feels a lot more festive.
Wearing Primark jumper dress, Matalan tights and Blink boots c/o Spartoo. Perfect for a day mooching around the town and then bathing/hair dying/nail painting in prep for the party.

Hair result! The dye I use is Live Salon Style Intense Red 5-29, currently on offer at Β£3.99 in Superdrug! So much cheaper than an actual salon, even though my super thick hair takes two boxes!

I am hoping we have an excitable atmosphere at work today. I’m on admin for the whole of it, so if I’m lucky I might finish a little bit early so I can spend longer getting ready. I bought my Matalan dress so long ago now that I am hoping it still does up!
I can’t wait to see what everybody wears! This is my first (ever) proper work’s party and I’m like an excited child!

27 comments for “edging closer

  1. Cute dress and tights !!

    Caithlin and Eva

  2. love the tights, every outfit needs some festive cheer. Also loving your boots, have a Spartoo wish list as long as my crimbo list xxx

  3. Love those tights they are very funky and your hair looks awesome.

  4. Vix

    You look gorgeous, those Aztec leggings look fab with the dress. Enjoy your party! x

  5. Kim

    Cool tights! And a cute dress πŸ™‚

  6. Nice outfit πŸ™‚ love the tights! Have a great time πŸ™‚ xxxxxxxxxx


  7. LOVE those tights. Is there anything Matalan can’t do?!


  8. Note to self, nip to Matalan when I get home and spend a fortune. Love the jumper dress too. =) (and your making me miss my red hair!)

  9. Your hair looks amazing! That vibrant shade really suits you πŸ™‚ Enjoy the party! xx

  10. Love your hair!!!! Those tights are gorgeous too, so festive πŸ™‚

  11. love your boots and i just used this exact same dye! x

  12. i LOVE those leggings! And enjoy your party!

  13. I absolutely love your hair colour. Wish I could dye my hair red, unfortunately being naturally blonde means it turns ginger :s

  14. I adore your tights, so festive! Have fun at your work party πŸ™‚ xx

  15. Oooof your hair looks fabulous! Mine’s in between colours at the moment, all a bit over the place tbh. Enjoying the festive tights too πŸ™‚

  16. arcenciel

    Laura, your hair turned out lovely!

    Take care.

  17. Your hair looks gorgeous, you’re gonna look fab for your works party!

    Hope its fun πŸ™‚ xx

  18. I love love love your hair, as always! Gorgeous tights also πŸ™‚ x

  19. Have fun at the work party, I’m sure you will πŸ™‚ Your hair looks so cool, and I love your outfit, perfect for a lazy day. xxx

  20. Your hair looks lovely, it’s making me miss my red hair πŸ™‚ xx

  21. those tights are awesome!!!!
    Love your gorgegous red hair x

  22. Oh those tights are soo fun! I hope that you really enjoy your party!!!! I’m happy you’re soo excited Laura!

  23. The tights are amazing! Seriously want xxx

  24. love that jumper dress and your hair looks gorge πŸ˜€
    hope you had fun at the party πŸ™‚
    <3 Holz oxo