Etsy Obsession: PrintKitchen

I love how so many of my blogger friends are also talented crafts-people. It means guilt free shopping in my eyes, I mean it’d be so rude not to support a pal from time to time right? I might not be in a position to shop at the moment but that hasn’t stopped me compiling a big old wish list for when I can. Right now the target of my obsession is the lovely Karys’ shop on Etsy- PrintKitchen
I love the look of all the prints by Karys, there is something about the style that is so endearing. My favourite has to be the little grey cat (hover over the images for price details) although as she also does custom work I may well be requesting one of Mae in the future!
I asked Karys for a bit of information about herself to give you a better picture, here’s what she said:
I graduated two years ago from university with a degree in Fine Art where I specialised in print and illustration.
I now work as a Print Technician for a University College beside the sea which is great fun – I get to aid students with their projects and set up exhibitions along with experimenting with new techniques and materials whilst maintaining the facilities.  
I am enjoying being creative again after working an office job following graduation before getting involved within the art sector again. So I decided to set up an Etsy shop with some of my prints to help me maintain my creative passion outside of work.
I always make homemade gifts for friends and family (including hand making the wrapping paper!) I enjoy being crafty so much I thought I would expand and start selling my creations!
I mainly use the medium of Screenprint which gives a great bold design however I hand draw my stencils to give them a more illustrative aesthetic. Recently I have been experimenting more with linocut and watercolour, and I hope to keep adding to my shop frequently.
As it’s a bit of fun for me I have priced my prints very affordably with free UK postage and have only made a maximum of 2 to 5 of each design, so they really are a bit unique! 
I am also keen to work on some commissions and make custom artworks so feel free to contact me through etsy if you have any requests!
Let me know if you have an Etsy shop I should check out, and which of Karys’ prints is your favourite.

6 comments for “Etsy Obsession: PrintKitchen

  1. SJ

    Ooh, the use of the blue to create a stripe effect (plus the fact I have a hankering for a new bag) makes me like her Satchel one the best 🙂

  2. Karys’s work is so unique, my favourite has always been the ‘hammy birthday’ one of course haha 🙂 xxx

  3. Am strangely drawn to the kfc one thing the squirrel and satchel would be my choices! X

  4. The KFC is funny, kinda weird but funny. All about the dog illustrations too.

    Buckets & Spades

  5. The you’re Tentacool linoprint is probably my favourite [tentacles and puns, awesome seperatley, epic together] though I do like the fawn and octopus prints. They’re all awesome, yay fpr talented friends

  6. Such fab prints, love the style of them. My favourite is the satchel! Lianne x