Interior Ambitions: Little Lovebirds

This year is very most likely the year where I finally move out of my parent’s home (I can hear their party plans already!) and set up a home of my own. This has sent me in to a kind of frenzy involving all things interiors; I’m obsessing over bowls, browsing sofas and storage and looking for quirky little accessories. All this and I have no solid plans yet!
I was recently sent this gorgeous vintage inspired birdcage lantern from hanging lanterns and although I have set it up to take photos for this post it has since been safely stored away ready for when I do fly the nest. I’ve always had a bit of a thing for candles, lanterns and all things glowy and this is simply beautiful. Powered by a teeny tiny button light this lantern is easy to assemble and adds a soft glow to any room- it can even be hung outside in the summer, I can imagine these being perfect at a laid back BBQ or even an outdoors wedding party. Although the lantern is made of paper it’s a sturdy little thing and I envisage it lasting quite some time, you can even purchase additional lights for it to prolong the life and usage.
I may not know where I’ll end up living yet but I do know that this lantern will have pride of place in the bedroom or living room, and by then I’ll probably have added to my collection.
Talk to me of your interior obsessions and of moving out of the family home.


7 comments for “Interior Ambitions: Little Lovebirds

  1. I love this lantern, they are such lovely pieces to have. It sure was exciting to set up home. I started to take an interest in homewares (although it’s just give me another category to spend my money on which is very bad for my bank account!)

  2. I moved out at 18, I couldn’t wait.

    By best tip is to decorate/furnish very basically at first and then allow the room to develop into your personality and style.

    You will miss your parents so mch!

  3. Ooo, very pretty. I have two very lanterns that sit in hall. i love them.

    X x

  4. Rachel Anderson

    That is so bloody pretty! totally need you to come and decorate my house with pretty things!

  5. My favourite things to look at at are home decor! I love to imagine how my house will be when I finally have one, and even though we are only going to have one room to call our own when we first move, it’s still been exciting choosing furniture and accessories for it. My mum has a birdcage lamp in her kitchen, it gets many compliments! This one is just lovely, I love that it’s made of paper as when I saw it the first thing I thought was that it reminds me of the papercut art by the likes of Rob Ryan and Paper Panda. xxx

  6. That is beautiul,and I’m jealous of your moving out plans. I’m longing to get a place of my own, I miss my old uni digs. Good luck with it all when you inally do have concrete plans! You’ll have the most stylish place ever

  7. Hi Laura,
    Thank you so much for sharing your kind words and pictures of our birdcage lanterns!! Best wishes for the impending move, it’ll be a fab new chapter in life so enjoy every minute of it.
    KR Aimee x