feathered friend

Dress: c/o Motel Rocks
Boots: Friis and Co at Sarenza
Bracelet: Maggie Angus
A fail safe dress for a Sunday pottering about town, this Motel dress can do no wrong in my eyes. It’s stuck by me through thick and thin, flattering whatever form my body chooses to take. It’ll be a sad day when it’s old, holey and no longer decent (but hopefully that’s a way away yet!)
Have I declared my love for Maggie Angus lately? Previous supplier of a ballroom dancer necklace for my Mum and *those* penguin earrings that always earn so much attention, she’s come up trumps with her monochrome (yay) daisy (double yay) range and she was kind enough to send me one of the bracelets to wear with love and pride. You can view more of the collection, and the rest of her magical creations here…with the bracelets only costing Β£12 I feel the need to treat myself to the white version too so I can mix and match and stack them high.
How’s this week turning out for everyone? I kind of did jinx myself a bit by saying mine would be quieter, but not to worry, I’m busy with nice things. Today after my early start (I’ll never get used to leaving at 7am) I’m meeting my Grandad for lunch…fingers crossed the weather is as beautiful as it was yesterday, I was in such a grumpy mood until I stepped outside in the afternoon.

10 comments for “feathered friend

  1. You look lovely, this outfit is so gorgeous! Hope you have a lovely lunch with your grandad xxx

  2. I really love Maggie Angus and have my eye on the penguins because my friend is obsessed and I know they would make a good birthday present for her – not that her birthday is til October, but still..

  3. Oooh the print on this dress! It falls so well on you too, so pretty!

    The Style Rawr!

  4. I love the print on this dress πŸ™‚ x

  5. I’ve always loved this dress on you πŸ™‚ the bracelet is fab too. Have you seen http://www.knottingelle.com ? You might her stuff xx

  6. I am absolutely in love with the feather dress. It looks incredible. What a sweet print.

  7. You look lovely, I have my eye on some Maggie Angus pieces, just trying to narrow them down!

    Maria xxx

  8. That dress is stunning!! I love a good feather print πŸ˜€

  9. Your Maggie Angus Daisy Bracelet is pretty, and I love the cat with glasses and coral bow-tie behind the bracelet in the third photo! Your feather print dress looks lovely – I hope it lasts well. I’m sure it will see good use. Best of luck for the rest of the week. I hope lunch with your granddad was fun and tasty. Best wishes for the rest of your week.

  10. Hi theeere ^_^
    You look nice in this dress πŸ™‚
    I just found you and immediately became member! I would really appreciate it if you’ll visit my blog back πŸ™‚
    Kisses and keep in touch β™‘
