feels like FRIDAY!

Finally Friday! This week has sped by yet felt miles long, too! I’m working again this morning, just fitting in a sneaky blog post before I leave!

Here’s some photos from the last couple of days…


Super-Sweet parcel from the Super-Sweet Kallie! Check out the Daisy bow! Such a lovely suprise.



Jewellery I’ve worn recently. Can’t get over how awesome the typewriter necklace is! Thanks again to myflashtrash who are taunting me with their latest amazing new arrivals!

Today for work I am wearing…



I know I’m not short on clothes, but all of a sudden nothing feels quite right. Bring on some new season shopping, which I’m currently saving for!

Well, best get moving.

I did some baking yesterday so there will be recipes tomorrow


50 comments for “feels like FRIDAY!

  1. Have a great weekend.

    I’m so tired of picking out work clothes. Have no idea what to wear today and have to leave the house in under an hour!


  2. Well I think you look lovely, but there’s never an excuse NOT to go buy more! πŸ˜€

    Bring on the baking !


  3. Good morning,

    lovely outfit!
    The typewriter necklace looks so cute.

    Have a nice day!

  4. D.

    When are you going to make your jewelry again?

  5. Love the shoesies, love the typewriter πŸ™‚

  6. Love your shoes! hope you sit down at work, i’m not sure my feet could stand up in them all day πŸ™‚

  7. I love your shoes I have been looking everywhere for a pair just like that. All we have in Australia at the moment are lots of boots getting ready for winter.

  8. i love today’s outfit, beautiful layers! and the bangle and typewrite necklace are amazing!! πŸ™‚ have a nice day at work and a lovely weekend xx

  9. Its always nice to recieve something in the post other than bills!
    I love the bangle and typewritter necklace. I love quirky little things on chains!
    I know what you mean about nothing to wear, I think you just get bored of things after a while. I have an insane amount of clothes but seem to be wearing the same things because I dont like them anymore haha!

  10. Yay for nice mail. Haven’t seen popping candy for years.

    The typewriter necklace is to cool for words. Loving your shoes as well.


  11. I have always wanted that Diney wish bracelet and the type writer is just something else!
    I adore the detailing on the shoes too xx

  12. THe jewelry is SO gorgeous!
    And I’m totally in love with your shoes ^^

  13. have a great weekend!!!
    i love all these items! esp the jewelry!
    p.s. check my blog out! i give away some of my creations

  14. Oh dear me, that typewriter necklace is AMAZING!

    Happy Friday, my dear!

  15. Oh my gosh! That typewriter necklace is AWESOME!! And can I please borrow your shoes? πŸ™‚

  16. πŸ˜‰ Glad you like the bow, I made it just for you. Also, that dress is gorgeous, the color is stunning!

  17. We love the Reese’s pieces! They’re so yummy xx

  18. Popping candy… yum!

  19. Shoes and jewellery are gorgeous! I love a bit of baking. Yum! πŸ™‚

  20. The typewriter necklace is amazing! I’ve given you the Versatile Blogger award over on my blog http://haphazard-afternoon.blogspot.com/

  21. love the dress! it’s adorable πŸ™‚


  22. Ooh that dress is awfully pretty. As for all the jewellery – envy!! It’s all absolutely gorgeous.

  23. That typewriter is astoundingly cute. I love that aqua colour on you, everything you wear is lovely. xxx

  24. I like girls wearing wingtip shoes, very nonchalant and chic!


  25. Oh I love love love your jewelry, the typewriter is so wonderfully quaint!!


  26. You have some seriously beautiful jewellery miss! Sally x

  27. Love the shoe boots x
    Have a nice weekend x

  28. Oooh I love reeces pieces soooo much!! And your typewriter necklace is awesome, love it!

  29. I thik I need to find a dress like that!!
    I’m in love!!

    Hope you have a great day at work!!!



  30. ooh i love the ring that is like a bar of stone in the last photo is it new? πŸ™‚ x

  31. the peanut butter reese biscuits are nicer and eating ice cream when u are sick = bad idea πŸ˜‰

  32. Love all the jewelry. I really like your shoes too!

  33. I love that typewriter necklace, it’s amazing! You look so cute in that dress too, love the colour and the cut. And the shoes. πŸ™‚

  34. cute bow in the first picture! and i also have that typewriter necklace, i love it.

  35. I love the daisy bow, it’s so cute!! And the typewriter is sooo cute! lovely.

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  36. cute trinkets! and the dress is pretty!

  37. aahhh i love the typewriter necklace!!

  38. The daisy bow is too cute!

    Love the jewellery – particularly the last pic – gorgeous ring!

    Thanks for the comment πŸ™‚


  39. That’s such a cute package, I love sweets. My favourites are the Eric the Elephants from Sainsbury’s at the moment, they’re yummy. And you’re welcome, I’m glad you got it so soon. I absolutely love those shoes as well, brogue styles are one of my favourites. xxx

  40. What a sweet (literally – get me) package. Like the disney too! x

  41. Mmmm Reeses !!! Give me ! πŸ˜›
    And such a nice bracelet !

  42. gorgeous jewellery! so quirky and unique. love it.

    and i’m in such a clothing rut, can’t wait for the new season either!


  43. E

    I absolutely LOVE your oxfords!!

  44. That typewriter necklace is seriously awesome.

  45. Love the heels, i want!! xx

  46. The Daisy bow is really cute. I can just imagine you wearing or using it in many different ways it in your hair, as a bow-tie, on clothing etc..

  47. I adore those shoes! If you ever tire of them, please send them my way. πŸ™‚

  48. where your cute black office like shoes from