Finally got my Bake on

Thursday morning saw me at a loss,
and generally with me that means I want to BAKE. For once I had adequate ingredients in the house
and so bake I did!

First up came Flapjacks from my favourite recipe book (which is probably older than I am!)

Fast Flapjacks

225g (8oz) Butter
225g (8oz) Demerara Sugar (I used soft brown sugar)
75g (3oz) Golden Syrup
275g (10oz) Porridge Oats

I also added a liberal dose of cocoa powder and cinnamon.

Preheat oven to 160*c/140* for fan oven, or Gas Mark 3
Grease a 12 x 9 inch baking tin.

Melt the butter in a large pan along with the sugar and syrup, then stir in the oats (and whatever else you are adding!) Mix well and spread in to the prepared tin and press flat.

Bake for about 35 minutes until golden brown (mine were done after 30 and still over-done so check on them a lot!) Leave to cool for 10 minutes before marking in to 24 bars and leaving to finish cooling in the tin.

Like I mentioned above, mine came out really, really crispy and the majority stayed in the tin! But what I did salvage were delicious! You can experiment with pretty much any add ins you want…if using chocolate chips leave the mix to cool before adding those.

I was desperate to take something in to work for a much needed sugar boost but the flapjacks simply didn’t make enough…
I had just enough time to make, but not decorate a simple vanilla sponge, so I added about half a tub of sprinkles to the mix before baking!

I don’t need a recipe book to make a sponge, I just use the 2:2:2:1 method

2oz butter
2oz caster sugar
2oz flour
1 egg

(plus a dash of vanilla essence and sprinkles!)

To make a cake the size I did (8 inch tin) I simply doubled all the quantitys, mixed it all together, poured in to a greased/lined tin and baked at 180* for about 18 minutes
(you can tell it is done when the cake is golden brown and a knife/skewer poked inside comes out clean)

For a chocolate cake you’d replace 1oz flour with 1oz cocoa (give or take!)

What have you baked lately?

Care to link me to recipes?


35 comments for “Finally got my Bake on

  1. erm. YUM.
    Is it wrong to now want cake/flapjack for brekkie?!

    Haven’t baked in so long – might do something soon but small kitchen + no ingredients = out of a packet job !


  2. Love baking! I regularly make cherry cakes. Tasty plus it helps towards 1 of the ‘5 a day’! Your flapjack recipe sounds good, tasty! I made pies last night, pics on my blog πŸ™‚

  3. Oh la la!! That looks yummy! πŸ™‚ but I suck at baking….hahahaha…id love to try the flapjack recipe though.xx

  4. KatieFrank

    I love that cake. I haven’t baked in ages πŸ™

  5. D: i need to get my bake on too :p it would be cool if there was a national baking day and alsour food looks great!

  6. i absolutely love love cooking and baking. i’ve got a separate blog that my husband and i do that is meant to be a big recipe book for when we can’t figure out what to eat. we try to take photos of what we make and put the recipes up so that on nights when we can’t think of what to make we can just look on there. the blog also has a bunch of family photos etc… since none of our family lives in the UK.

    the link is:

    hope it inspires you with some new ideas! the snickerdoodle cake is insanely good.


  7. Ah baking is so relaxing. I need to do more of it.

    I made a chocolate cake the other week…but for my sponges I usually use the equal quantities method.
    I ended up just adding the cocoa as extra and had to soften the mixture with some milk.
    It worked.

    Might try baking something later in the week and sticking up the recipe & method…if it turns out ok.

    Enjoy your weekend. xx:)

  8. I’ve made a fab no-bake cake a few times, recipe here –

    It’s a pity Indy doesn’t blog anymore but look through her stuff, amazing!

  9. Mmmm they look yummy!! I’m currently eating Galaxy Caramel for breakfast, oops x

  10. I’ve only made banana muffins recently – the recipe is from a WW cookbook I think but don’t let that put you off! They always turn out really well.

  11. wow sounds very delicious!, thanks for the recipe I will try to make it with my mom πŸ™‚

  12. That baking book looks pretty amazing, I love flapjack I may well have to try this one xx

  13. Ooh, I love a good baking sesh!

    I use the for my sponges. I much prefer baking in OZ – it’s the only way I learnt!

  14. I don’t want to write essays, I want to bake! Gosh, life is so cruel. x

  15. Oooo I’m very proud of you honey!! Well done! I’ve recently mastered fudge and flapjacks… and that’s about it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ xxxx



  16. ooh these look yummy πŸ™‚
    I’m always baking but I tend to add my own little twist to recipes!! x

  17. Mat

    not 1 but 2 baked items, get you. last thing i made was summer lasagna a la jamie’s 30 min meals. you should get the book, its easy stuff

  18. wow looks amazing! i wish i could cook!

    The Flower Girl


  19. MY GOD * mouth watering*
    i miss bakinggg, should get back to it

  20. mmmmmhh can’t wait to prepare it, thanks

  21. YUMMY! I haven’t done any baking in forever. I totally need to.

  22. That’s a great tip for doing a sponge I will have to note it in my food journal.

  23. Mmm, must find myself a Mary Berry book, her Victoria Sponges are the best ever! πŸ™‚

  24. oh yum! Looks so good! I haven’t baked for a while, but last time I did it was a mud cake πŸ™‚

    xxx Charlie
    Feminine Bravery

  25. what does the cake look like with the sprinkles inside it? i wanna see a cross section! haha.

  26. My housemates are obsessed with flapjacks, so we constantly have it stocked in our house, which kinda makes me not like it! But we didnt bake anything yet this year, as we all have still our level of sugar up from Christmas so we’re downsizing.. though come think of it, I think I saw a box of chocolates downstair earlier πŸ˜› haha, that’s girls for you there! πŸ˜›

  27. Ahh Laura thanks for putting these up because Mum was going to make some cakes today but we ran out of time, and I want to try my hand at a sponge, so I’ll let you know how it turns out and thanks again for all the lovely comments. xxx

  28. Yum! These recipes look amazing πŸ˜‰

  29. They both look yummy! I love elaborate desserts, but sometimes a good vanilla sponge cake is all I need. πŸ™‚

  30. I LOVE baking! Today I made some brownies and a vanilla cheesecake. Both recipes can be found on the bbc good food website and are to die for. I have also made the ginger and white chocolate cheesecake from the BBC website and that was total heaven. I enjoy baking (eating) cupcakes the most and swear by the hummingbird bakery cookbook and am very excited that there’s going to be a new one this year.

    How did the cake turn out with the sprinkles inside? Do they stay crunchy? xx

  31. ohh yumm! what a delicious post and even more lovely blogg! i just happened to find your blog and really glad i did! you have some really fun and tasty looking posts(:


  32. I actually went to waitrose today with your flapjack recipe in mind – thankyou!


  33. ooh how lovely, i reaLly need to replace my scales and get back into baking! but maybe not as thats not going to help the diet!