Flirty florals from Quiz Clothing

It might be well and truly Autumn by now but I’m not at all ready to give up on my love of florals yet. I could have done with adding a layer or two to this outfit as despite the sun eventually shining there was a distinct chill in the air- this was over a week ago now and the weather had literally switched from warm to cold overnight!

Dress: c/o Quiz Clothing | Boots: Zara (here)

This dress is one of my all time favourite dresses. I’ve never ventured in to Bardot style shoulders before, I had assumed they would irritate me and feel like they were constantly slipping down but actually they are yet to bother me. There’s something about an off the shoulder dress that feels a little bit sexy, although with it’s skater style skirt and pretty floral pattern this can easily be dressed down and made more casual. It’s an absolute bargain too, in the sale at £14.99 and excellent quality, the fabric is quite thick and it hangs beautifully- the length is also pretty perfect even with my long legs!
The dress gave me the perfect excuse to bust out my new Zara boots. I saw these in store a fair few weeks ago and fell in love. They didn’t have my size in the Bristol store so I decided it was shopping karma telling me I really didn’t need yet another pair of ankle boots. I couldn’t stop thinking about them though; the gorgeous taupe colour made them different to anything I own and the heel height is perfect for daily wear. A second visit to the Bristol store a week yielded a hidden pair of size sevens…clearly the shopping gods wanted me to own these, and at £29.99 they didn’t exactly break the bank either!
For the perfect weekend outfit I’d add in my chunky grey midi-cardigan, some pretty jewellery (I never remember to grab photos of my accessories) and a bright handbag…ideal for a daytime of wandering around the city, followed by dinner and drinks with Ben and/or friends…you have to love such a versatile piece! Quiz isn’t somewhere I always think of to shop but whenever I do get something from there I always end up super happy with it.
What shops have you been loving lately? What’s your typical weekend style like?


10 comments for “Flirty florals from Quiz Clothing

  1. Ooooh yes a lovely bright print in this dress. You look a treat my dear! Well done on hunting down those boots too x

  2. It’s very pretty. You look v feminine and the boots work well. X

  3. Love this dress and those boots are lovely, I want some now!

    Maria xxx

  4. Ah Laura, this dress is lovely, the bardot style really suits you and I love the floral print. Winter florals always brighten up the dim weather.
    Your look proper gorge!

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  5. I love florals, I love pink, and I love skater skirts and dresses so I guess it’s not surprising that I love that dress from Quiz Clothing! It’s lovely.

  6. Rocking this like the beauty you are Laura! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  7. This is so cute, love the boots too!

  8. SJ

    I’m in agreement on keeping the florals – autumn be damned! The shoulders/neckline looks really lovely on you and this is such a pretty dress 🙂

  9. Stunning dress! I love the print of your amazing dress 🙂

  10. Such a pretty dress and I love your boots! xxx
    Just Emma