Weekend is here! I’m wearing a new cardigan. I’ve been home a year. I’m off this afternoon. There is a box of m&s white chocolate/lemon wafers with my name on it.
Weekend is here! I’m wearing a new cardigan. I’ve been home a year. I’m off this afternoon. There is a box of m&s white chocolate/lemon wafers with my name on it.
Cute, I love the colour xoxo
That cardigan really is a gorgeous colour, unusual too! Looks fab with the dress! 🙂 xx
congreatulations on the year, i know it’s been tough but you have done amazingly well xx
Congratulations on your anniversary! Enjoy those wafers and I’ll raise a glass in your honour later. x
Be still my heart! purple dress and lavender cardigan? I’m in love. Purple is my favorite color EVER, and it looks lovely on you! Congratulations.
Well done on being home a year, really happy for you !
Congrats honey. You look gorge in that dress! xx
Congrats on being home a year! Love the cardi 🙂 xo
Have a great weekend!
I love that outfit and yay on a year xxx
I love that outfit and yay on a year xxx
I adore that cardgi on you!
Loving the cardy,
Congrats on the year home, you have come a long way and may I say you look fab.
X x
Congrats on being home for a year. That cardi s gorgeous, where is it from? x
U go girl!!! Huge congrats! Love the outfit,as always x
Hurrah indeed!!!!!!!!xx
Fridays are good days indeed, especially with white chocolate/lemon wafers on hand. Also, I spy the same dolly shoes I have! Are they from New Look by any chance? Have a good weekend lovely, you look pretty as ever and celebrate your year at home too! xxx
Yay, well done you :). Cute outfit.
Sadie x
Have a great weekend, I love the colour of your shoes 🙂 x
Love those shoes!
And by the way, those wafers sound absolutely delicious!!
It’s really cute and I’m loving the red hair!
style roulette
PS: would love to invite you to join my turban headband giveaway at my blog, if you haven’t yet!
Congratulations, dear, you’ve made it through this year gracefully.
I love this outfit!
i wish I’d seen this on friday now as it would definitely have been what I needed, though it is cheering me up today too 🙂
hurray for new cardigans (I just bought 4!) and for the year love, its gone so fast but you should be pleased, its been great having you back x
Such a gorgeous cardie, perfect for the wintery days/nights!!