
It was only a matter of time before I came down with the first bug of the season. Hazard of working at a doctors surgery…though after a while you do build up an immunity so hopefully this isn’t the first of many!

what better way to have a lazy Saturday recovering than in a draped snuggly knit, especially when it is as awesome as this one that Matalan kindly sent me?
Currently loving all things tribal, this knit is just perfection, even if, in true Laura style, I haven’t quite mastered the art of looking “finished” and it’s hanging all wrong.

Happy weekend folks,
I hope your germ free and have fun things planned!


32 comments for “bugged

  1. Oh no hope you feel better soon!
    I love the cardigan, will have to keep an eye out for that one!

  2. Feel better soon hun. Love the cardi!

  3. Love, Love, Love that jumper!!! Hope you feel better soon x

  4. Love the cardi, I also love those cushions! x

  5. Feel better! For someone sick you look awesome haha, that outfit is really polished, and the sweater makes it very “OH this? I just threw on any old thing,” but still totally put together. knowwhatimean?

  6. You look lovely in it I’m definitely going to order one for myself! Xxx

  7. Lil

    I love the print on this. Get well soon! xx

  8. Oh poor you! Lots of liquids and duvet methinks!
    When I saw the title, I thought you were talking about insects and I was about to comment that I had to forcibly remove what was surely a tarantula this morning!!!

  9. Great Cardy. Love the style and colours of it.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    X x

  10. I’m just getting over my first cold.. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
    I like your cardigan btw πŸ™‚

  11. hope you feel better soon πŸ™‚ I love big comfy cardi’s, really need to invest in a good one this winter πŸ™‚
    <3 Holz oxo

  12. Feel better soon. I have a horrible feeling I caight something from one the many Freshers during the induction to my course last week… Went running to try and fight it off… Now curled up in my favourite new jumper with Apple and Cinammon tea still trying to fight it.

  13. That cardi looks so snug! Hope you feel better soon x

  14. I want your Cardi sweater! I love it!

  15. I absolutely love your knit, it looks perfect! And aww, I hope you feel much better soon πŸ™‚

  16. Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well – get better soon! And I really like tribal prints too, the knit looks lovely on you. xxx

  17. Oh no! Feel better soon <3

  18. I love your knit!Hope you get well soon.I’ve also got the first cold for this winter.

  19. The cardigan is lovely, definitely on my wish list! πŸ™‚ x

  20. Oh, poor you! Hope it is just a mini cold. The jumper looks lovely – so snuggly! x

  21. That looks amazing on you πŸ™‚ So snuggly!

    Feel better soon love x

  22. I have a bit of a sniffly nose, I know it must be Autumn! That cardigan is lovely though, super snuggly!

    Maria xxx

  23. I hope you feel better soon! I love that gorgeous cardi – looks the perfect thing to wrap up in when you feel under the weather!

  24. aww. get well soon. You look really great in that jacket


  25. that cardi is awesome!! love it! ooh winter is definitely on its way now isn’t it! x

  26. urgh, I feel my first cold coming on too, its definitely that time of the year :/ I hope yours isnt too bad

    I love that cardi, Matalan are really great at the moment!

  27. This looks very cosy !