Giveaway with Missy C Bags!

I wasn’t going to post this until tomorrow, but after the response to my post yesterday I thought I’d swapped my plans in my head and THANK YOU with a giveaway today (giving me time to collect adequate words for my next post!)

Missy C bags got in touch and offered to team up with me for a giveaway…
a girl can never have too many bags, so I was hardly going to say no!

About Missy c…

Missy c carries a
fabulous range of fashion handbags, clutches and purses. We know a girl can never have too many bags, so missy c offers bags at an affordable price so you can feed your bag need without spending a fortune.

From classic styles with a twist to sequined stunners and gorgeous clutches there is a bag for everyone and every occasion. There is no need to wait until pay day either as prices start from under £10! The website is updated regularly and you can visit the online shop here.

Up for grabs I have the gorgeous and oh so perfect for the impending brighter (WARMER) days I have the Ella bag worth £18
Entering is easy:

1. Pop along to the Missy C facebook page and click “like”, then come back and leave a comment on this post letting me know you’ve done so.

2. That’s it!

3. Giveaway is UK only (sorry overseas people, I promise something for you soon)

4. Giveaway will close next Friday, 11th March at 2pm. Please leave a way for me to contact you…either blog or e-mail so I can let the winner know and get your prize on it’s way.

5. If you can’t wait that long, or aren’t a lucky winner, Missy C have offered readers of adaisychaindream 20% off their order when they enter the code daisy at the checkout.

Good Luck

and Happy Friday

…as luck would have it, I have just enough time to do some further browsing before work!


32 comments for “Giveaway with Missy C Bags!

  1. Morning sweetie – what a lovely give away!!!

    ‘I’ve liked on FB’

    Have a great weekend and good luck everyone


  2. Hi Hun.

    What a lovely summery bag. I’ve clicked like so please count me in.

    Hope you have a fab weekend, I know I’m looking forward to mine. Be great just to chill.

    X x x x x

  3. Oh it looks lovely, and their prices are fab too!! Have liked them on FBook! 🙂

  4. *isn’t on Facebook*

    Oh well!

  5. Great giveaway, enter me please! Have liked on FB xx


    Liked your fb page – like the bag too!

  7. That is such a pretty bag!Liked on Facebook.

  8. I liked the Facebook page, so enter me please!
    Bag is SO cuteee!

  9. Lovely for summer!
    Liked from Charli James

  10. That is a gorgeous bag! Have liked on FB. X

  11. have liked on facebook
    love your blog
    its great to read about all your purchases and what you like to cook you are a sweetie

  12. How cute… just like you in your beige pants wonders! I say “you are are are a pants gal”!

  13. missed your post yesterday but just read it. Chinos look great on you! :)x

  14. Done! I’m loving the bag!

    Danni x

  15. erm…that bag is awesome!! love the colour! very lovely and summery! I’ve been over to facebook and liked them 🙂
    hope you are having a lovely friday xx

  16. I liked the Facebook page, so enter me please! 🙂

  17. Wow thats lovely and bright! I’ve liked them. xx

  18. i liked on facebook
    karen scammell
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  19. Bex

    Great giveaway! I have liked on FB and you contact me on
    Why you don’t you try your hand at my giveaway? <3


  20. I love this bag, i’ve liked on facebook and this is like a accesorize bag but half the price!!

  21. loooovely bag! Just what i’m looking out for for Spring!

    Have liked 🙂

  22. Lil

    I’ve liked!
    Gorgeous bag x

  23. Lovely give away, have liked on facebook.

  24. I have liked on facebook

    What a lovely bag for the summer, love the colour


  25. Already a fan of the page 🙂
    Rachel Crawford


  26. I Like have liked and REALLY like xxx

  27. Already liked page on Facebook 🙂

    Fab’ giveaway! I love the bag 🙂

    Thank you

    Vanessa XXX

  28. Hello, what a beautiful bag! Already liked :o)

  29. I like MissyC on FB. Thanks so much for the chance!

  30. I have liked your facebook page – and I love the bag. Fingers crossed x x x


  31. S_S

    ANOTHER amazing giveaway by you lady!!! I’ve liked and LOVED your post and fingers are firmly crossed I get this GORGEOUS bag! luvs ya lil lady! xxxx