happy legs

I’ve had these tights stashed away for the festive season for a couple of months now and boxing day seemed the most opportune time to bring them out (or, was the day I remembered them!) Penguins are one of my favourite animals so I feel compelled to buy pretty much anything with them on, especially when it’s a bargain price like three pounds something and I generally don’t care how stupid I look!

I paired them with my New Look skater dress and cardigan, plus those boots from Sarenza even though I didn’t leave the house due to the weather. My necklace was hidden in my Christmas stocking which my Mum still does every year, I’m not sure who loves the stocking more- me or her?! I think she’ll cry should I ever decide I don’t want one.

It was back to work yesterday and the fact it was Christmas just a few days ago feels very odd indeed. You wouldn’t have known it in the office if it hadn’t have been for the mountain of tins of biscuits and chocolate bought in by grateful patients and the mass amounts of tinsel.Β I’m in all day today, I’ll be hiding in a corner quietly harbouring germs and trying not to pass them on, counting down to the weekend and then the end of 2012.

Do you still get a Christmas stocking?


27 comments for “happy legs

  1. love your necklace πŸ˜‰

  2. lovely necklace dear
    be happy if you check out my blog too=)

  3. why would you NOT want a stocking?!?! we had a year where we didnt do them and it felt so wrong that we came running back to them!!
    The “santa” dynamic changed when we got older tho, we all buy little silly bits and pool them together to make each others stocking, that way theres a bit of personality to them and the pressure doesnt ALL lie on mum (who tbh is shocking at remembering who’s stocking is whose…)
    Love the penguin tights… i have some halloween ones that i forgot to crack out this year, do you think i could still get away with pumpkins in december?!

  4. those tights are so cute – love them!
    Husband and I do stockings for each other, it’s too fun to miss out on x

  5. I love your tights, I am a major penguin fan myself! I hope your germs go away quickly xx

  6. those are some funky tights x

  7. I still get a stocking! My mum and I do one for each other πŸ™‚ stocking presents are always the best! That necklace is really cute too. As are the tights, I love fun tights! I got some bright purple and bright green ones in my stocking. Xo

  8. Yep I do, and I love it! Like you, i think my Mum would be a bit gutted if I didn’t want one anymore… Hope you’re feeling better soon xx

  9. Such a cute little necklace! I always have a stocking and LOVEEE them.

    The Style Rawr!

  10. That necklace is very sweet and perfect. My Mum always buys me stocking fillers too! xxx

  11. Laura those tights have your name written all over them!

  12. Those tights are awesome!! I also love penguins.
    I still get a Christmas stocking. I once said to my Mum, I don’t care if there’s just one thing in it, even an apple, can I please still have a stocking πŸ˜€

  13. Those tights are awesome, and I love the boots πŸ™‚ x

  14. I’d love to still have a Christmas stocking, it used to be my favourite part of the day when I was little.
    Love your tights, perfect for the season!

  15. These tights are so you, you look very cute πŸ™‚

    I have a stocking (with a photo of me on it and everything just in case Santa forgets whose stocking it is lol) and Mr Bertie has one too (also with a photo) We usually put silly stocking fillers in there but this year we have decided to stop buying tat as our house is overflowing with it, but to be honest it felt a bit sad not having it so I think we will bring it back next year but just one or two items and try make them useful items πŸ™‚

    Janine xx

  16. Those are happy tights. Giraffes. I have to buy everything with a giraffe on it, so I know how you feel!

    Boo to being back at work, Christmas can be so anti-climactic, huh?

    Corinne x

  17. Anonymous

    Wonderful tights and wonderful you. Noone can compare with you

  18. WOW! They are so sweet.

  19. I love your penguin tights, the perfect boxing day outfit. Christmas seems to go by far too quick considering the amount of preparation. Unfortunately no Christmas stocking for me, I pretty much just get money these days, although I am always more than happy to spend it. Have a fantastic new year!

  20. Love the tights, a great way to brighten up boxing day!
    Hope work wasn’t too awful for you


  21. Those tights are amazing! Ah yeah when everyone is back at work, christmas seems like such a long time ago. I’m not looking forward to going back on Weds!

  22. CBC’s mum made me up a stocking- she chooses great pressies! Sadly, at my Dad’s house, they made my little sister one (secretly!) but not me!!!!! I was so sad! Ah well! Love the tights and the necklace!

  23. Waah I love those tights! They’re so wrong but so right. Too adorable! Glad you had a lovely Christmas, you deserved to have a good un! I’ve never had a Christmas stocking! xxx

  24. PENGUIN TIGHTS! I love penguins, they’re so funny. Must get novelty tights now! πŸ™‚

  25. Love those boots! Such a cute necklace too! Jealous you still get a stocking, my mum used to to the best, but my dad doesn’t do them at all! They were the best part of Christmas!

  26. Those tights are so cute. I have that dress too from New Look x