Have you had your Weetabix

This isn’t a breakfast post. This is a revelation in Brownie baking! My lazy Monday turned out to be not so lazy (I finally tackled the beast that is the top of my wardrobe) and I finally got round to experimenting in the kitchen.
Some random browsing online led to a recipe called Weetabix Brownies. It sounded…bizarre…I wasn’t sure how it would work. But it did. Oh trust me it did.

You’ll need:

4 Crushed Weetabix
4oz/100g caster sugar
4oz/100g self raising flour
4oz/100g butter or margarine
2tbsp cocoa powder
Bar of chocolate. I used a 125g bar of 77% dark chocolate from lidl!
1 egg.

To Make:

Smash up the Weetabix in a bowl and add the sugar, flour, cocoa powder and chocolate (broken in to chunks, or use chocolate chips). Melt the margarine and add that and the egg and mix everything together. The mix is quite dry but holds it’s shape.

Grease a cake tin (around 8 inches by 8 inches), or line a muffin tray with 12 cases. Spread mixture in to the tin or divide in to 12 rounds and flatten.
Bake at 180c for 15 minutes (do check often though, my oven cooks randomly, they make take more or less).
Leave to cool for five minutes if baked in a cake tin then turn out and slice.


 Post-baking. They don’t look much different!

 Being photographer and taste tester is such a chore!

Especially when faced with the task of a still hot and oh so fresh chocolate brownie.

These are amazing. Just amazing. Rich and fudgy and chocolatey with added texture from the Weetabix. A dense, chocolate delight.

Have you baked with Weetabix before? I’m a cereal fiend and love to find ways to use my stash in baking. What cereal recipes do you have to share?


32 comments for “Have you had your Weetabix

  1. I made these a long time ago for my lot. They were not big fans though, so I haven’t made them since.

    X x

  2. These look yummy, my 4yr old has just looked over my shoulder and has given his approval! So we shall be giving these a go at some point.

  3. I am surprised that weetabix work in brownies but they do look delicious!


  4. Ah my mam used to make these when we were little, but instead of adding the chocolate into the mix she would make almost a biscuit/cake base in a flat tray and melt a load of cadburys chocolate ontop then cut them into squares when they were set. Yum!
    sadly I can’t have weetabix anymore :o(

  5. Ooh, no I’ve never baked with weetabix but they look very gooey and good! x

  6. they look a delight. I may have to try them soon!
    Julia @ Retro Jules

  7. definately going to make these today – they look so yummy 🙂
    I’ve made siilar things but I’ve never used weetabix!! x

  8. hmmm, im just not quite sure about the thought of weetabix in a cake..

  9. I would have never thought to put weetabix into a brownie, but these look delicious! xx

  10. I am going to have to try this !

  11. I’ve never heard of cooking with Weetabix before and these look great. The furthest I’ve ever gotten with cooking with cereal is Rice Krispie cakes!


  12. ok my interest is piqued… it’s a step beyond just adding milk and *ahem* lots of sugar but I’ll give it a go..

  13. This looks amazing ! What a discovery xx

  14. Oh oh oh ! Am now going out to get some weetabix ! Thank you for the recipe Laura :0) xxx

  15. These look great!

  16. They look amazing – I’ve never even thought about using Wheetabix! xx

  17. Kat

    These look amazing! Will have to try, I love Brownies 🙂


  18. Roz

    You have a ‘top of the wardrobe’ beast too?? I thought it was only me! But on to these – they look really inspired.
    I would never have thought weetabix could work like this.

  19. Hmmm love weetabix and brownies! win!

  20. ooh what a fab idea. have you tried the chocolate weetabix ? I bought some to try but when I had it rembered why I dont like weetabix too mushy for y liking.


  21. These look so good, must remember to buy weetabix!

  22. I never had wetabix for recipes or to eat but this makes me want it now! Yum brownies!

  23. Gosh hese look yummy!

  24. I’ve barely had Weetabix, forget baking with it (its not so common here in the U.S., but I loved it when I visited Australia). The brownies sound really good.

  25. Mmmm, love the melting shots- gooey chocolate heaven!! I also love the Cath Kidston plates that are subtly stealing the limelight!!!
    Definitely would be intrigued to try these! I’ve only made crispy cakes with bran flakes or cornflakes!

  26. Jo

    What an interesting idea! Have never used weetabix in baking, only the usual cornflakes or rice crispies. I wonder if it’s possible to bake with Golden Grahams. Now that would be amazing!

  27. Omg, these look so yummy!! Must try them.

    Sadie xx

  28. I’m saving the recipe to try out, thanks 😀

  29. These look delish xx

  30. I love you!

    Maria xxx