His ‘n Hers

Well, here’s a first on the blog- a his and hers outfit post! I finally managed to persuade Ben that he should make an appearance, although I don’t hold out much hope that it’ll happen again any time soon as I think he much prefers staying behind the camera!
Ben: Shirt c/o Guide London | Shorts: New Look | Shoes: Sarenza
Laura: Dress: Joy | Boots: Jonak at Sarenza
Guide London got in touch a while ago and offered to send Ben a shirt to feature on the blog. He (eventually) settled on this one after much pondering if he could pull off the paisley detail (I think he can!). He owns quite a few shirts now thanks to starting a new job but none of them can quite match up to this one in terms of quality- it looks and feels amazing and it fits really nicely. On this occasion Ben and I were making our way in to Bristol to meet up with his Brother and grab some food and I think it smartened up these shorts perfectly; it also looks equally good with some smart trousers for a more formal occasion. I think if we were rich Ben would get all of his shirts from Guide London having been suitably impressed by this one, however we’re not rich (yet) so the odd one as a treat will have to do (best get dropping hints to Santa!)
I’m wearing a dress I picked up in Joy when I visited the Bristol store to try on some of the A/W collection in September. I’ve been impatiently waiting for the weather to get cool enough to wear it and made no hesitation in reaching for it the second there was a chill in the air. This, and another dress I picked up on a more recent visit will no doubt be the ones I live in this Winter as I just love the fit, length and overall style of their current stock from house brand Louche- I have my eye on quite a few others too, although I can’t buy any until I get around to listing some of my unworn and unloved clothes on ebay!
I hope you enjoyed this little taste of something different on the blog- should I do more posts like this? What does your partner think of blogging? Would they ever make a guest appearance?


6 comments for “His ‘n Hers

  1. Well isn’t Ben quite the handsome devil 🙂 What a goreous couple you are.
    Lovely to see the two of you together.

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  2. I think he wears the shirt really well! I love it when I see other halves on people’s blogs 🙂

  3. He looks great in the shirt. X

  4. A very stylish couple you two make 🙂 xxx

  5. What super photos of you both. And a stunning couple you make too! Very handsome fella you have hun.

    X x

  6. I keep meaning to go in Joy as I love the look of that shop. I really love your dress x