Holiday Re-Cap Part 1

Warning- there will be a lot of photos in this post. They are also not really in any kind of order so may make no sense at all. Oh sleep deprived brain, it’s making me go loopy. It’s worth it though, I had THE most incredible two weeks of my life. Ate amazing food, saw amazing sights and did amazing things. Most importantly though I re-discovered who I am. Onwards and upwards from here on out.
(Shout out to Ellie for being the best travel companion a girl could ask for and for introducing me to Spain in the first place!)
Papa’s in Malaga- does the world’s best sandwiches and salads.

Beach in Benalmadena

One of many diet coke and coffee stops

Typical of the village where we stayed. It’s a stunning place.

More of where we stayed.

This was moments before I ventured to the sea and got taken down by a giant wave (which also stole my havianas!)


My gorgeous Ellie!

Beach hair, as in hair full of beach.

View from a morning stroll.

The gorgeous town of Frigiliana, set in the hills

The town centre there.

Nerja- one of the most stunning places I have ever been

The Balcony of Europe

One of the many gorgeous churches and cathedrals in Malaga city

A friend of Ellie’s has this view every day!

Loved this statue in Fuengirola

Sorry for the overload of images, I have two similar posts to come…we did and saw so much it’d be impossible to put in to words- day trips, touristy days, beach days, parasailing and just living life to the max. I wish I could share the sights, sounds, smells and incredible tastes of it all with everyone. 
Until next time…

19 comments for “Holiday Re-Cap Part 1

  1. Hey lovely! Looks great! Shame about the.flipflops but pretty dress. I love European cathedrals- so impressive!! X

  2. AVY

    I love churches, even though I’m an atheist.

    / Avy

  3. It looks gorgeous, I’m so glad that you had a brilliant trip.

  4. awww it looks like you had a wonderful time. Did you visit Benidorm? Nerja looks lovely. I love to visit mainland Spain but was always out off by Bullfighting. I would never attend one but I have heard that tourists money goes towards it. We were thinking of going to Benidorm next year for a week, just to see what its like! I don’t think its very classy but wondered what you thought of it? Did you see much info about bullfighting? I think that would put me off!
    Love the photos though x

  5. It looks stunning! I’ve never been to Spain, everywhere is so bright and spacious and pretty! I’m glad you had a fab time, can’t wait to see more xx

  6. Sounds like you did a bit of discovery, in yourself too! Good times

  7. Looks wonderful! Happy to hear that you had such a great time 🙂

  8. It looks like you had a wonderful time Laura, a much deserved holiday for sure 🙂 x x x

  9. Yay!!! Looks like loads of fun. I really really need a beach holiday, my last few holidays have been city weekend breaks. Hopefully I am going to Florida next November!

    Corinne x

  10. Seeing those blue skies and sea makes me wanna leave the UK.


  11. Great photos. They give us an instant sense of the sunny, relaxing atmosphere. It’s important to get away and this looks like a perfect destination for fun.

  12. Looks fantastic, glad you had a great time! I miss Spain already haha x

  13. Stunning pictures – looks like you had a great time!

  14. Vix

    Keep them coming, I can’t get enough travel porn! I adored Nerja and Frigiliana when we visited years ago. It was out of season (March) but the weather was glorious by day. Did you visit the caves? xxx

  15. Beach hair is one of my reasons I don’t like the beach too much 🙂

  16. I’m glad to hear you had such a great time. It looks amazing! I’m quite jealous of Ellie’s friend having that view everyday. x

  17. Great photos! I want to go on holiday again now 🙁

  18. glad you had a good time. Spain looks wonderful, can’t believe I’ve neverbeen

  19. I’m so happy that you had a wonderful time. It sure looks like a beautiful place to visit. I really enjoyed seeing your pictures and I definitely look forward to seeing more.