In to the Wild

The weekend before last, back when we were enjoying the mini heatwave that engulfed England Ben and I decided to hop on our bikes and cycle to a bit of local area we were yet to explore. It’s a long time since I was able to just hop on a bike and go anywhere, and longer still since I was then able to walk for a few hours through hilly woodland terrain…the combination of my recent achievement, the glorious weather and quality time with the boyfriend taking in stunning views made for the best Sunday I’ve had in ages.
We packed up a picnic, slapped on some suncream and headed off, camera in tow to Limebreach Wood where we followed parts of two nature trails. Another time we are going in the opposite direction and visiting Cadbury Camp, a glorious area rich in local history- but that’s another day, for now here are just a few of the hundreds of photos we took.
There’s nothing like taking in the beauty of nature, whilst watching a foal chasing it’s Mother around a field to make you appreciate life. With a healthy mind and body at long last, and a yearning to be outside, discovering what the local area has to offer, I really cannot wait for more adventures like this one. If you want to see a bigger version of any of the photos then just click on them.
How well do you know your local area? I’m lucky in that we’re surrounded by places just like this one…spoilt for choice and no longer taking it for granted. Ben may regret this though, as I stand making him take endless photos of said horse and foal, moaning about stinging nettles and walking in to tree branches.


13 comments for “In to the Wild

  1. It looks like you had a beautiful day, I was just thinking now the sun is out it’s a good excuse to take the dog on some woodland treks you’ve definitely inspired me to go explore xoxo

  2. What a beautiful place! I’m glad you had a fab day x

    Josie’s Journal

  3. These photos are lovely and I’m delighted you had such a good day!

  4. LOVE this post! The photos are so fun, looks like a great day.

  5. Oh look at you, beautiful! Lovely photos, it looks like a gorgeous day <3

    Jess xo

  6. AvatarVix

    What a beautiful couple you are! These are lovely photos, how wonderful to have all that open space on your doorstep. x

  7. Oh wow, so much beauty. I wish we had some places like that near me. Perhaps I should go exploring more often.

  8. What a beautiful day, its food for the soul 🙂
    I don’t know my local area nearly well enough, I should make it my mission to do something about that!

  9. Oh you kids are so cute! I love going on bike rides with my beau. 🙂

  10. Couldn’t see the pics on my data connection yesterday- WiFi much better! Great pics!!! I love where I live now as I have more access to beautiful places! Glad you’re enjoying them too!!! X

  11. Aww looks like you had fun!
    Two Hearts One Roof

  12. Looks like such a blissful day out! <3

    Fingers crossed the sun will re-appear sometime soon 😉

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  13. You look so happy, relaxed and beautiful in these pics Laura x