
This might be the shortest Instagram post I’ve done yet- or maybe not. Despite best intentions March was perhaps even more boring that the previous month, I had thought I’d be up and about more, back at work and socialising but it wasn’t to be and therefore most of my pictures are of food or Mae…come on April, please be more exciting!
Seriously, I think the most exciting things to happen this month were new Ben & Jerrys and switching my hair colour from Red to Purple. I have higher hopes for April, not least because I go back to work and therefore gain social interaction…I’m so ready. Link me to your insta-posts so I can live vicariously through others please.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mums that read my blog. You are all awesome!


11 comments for “Instalife

  1. Haha – instagram is for cats and food, did you not get the memo?

    Corinne x

  2. Glad to see i’m not the only one who makes their cat sleep with toys … I do it all the time 😀

  3. Ha ha, I love the silly shot of you and Ben!

    Honestly, Mae is SUCH a tart, honestly, she’s stealing the limelight!!! 😉

  4. Love your donut PJs! I must try the new Ben n Jerry’s; looks delicious! xxx

  5. I really need those doughnut PJ bottoms, really!

  6. Oh I love the way you’ve set out your instagram post!

  7. I don’t think I could ever get tired of Mae pictures, Furbies on the other hand scare me xD
    I hope April is more exciting for you.

  8. looks like a tasty month; good food and cute selfies 😉 x

  9. Really cute collection of shots- especially the one with you & Ben 😀

    March has felt that way for me too, I’ve mostly lived my life ‘online’ way too much, ah! Something I definitely want to change in April and of course, the approaching summer months 😉

    Sophie xo soinspo

  10. ohh the furbies! x