
Coach boredom with Mum/Natural hair state/Jubilee jelly beans- a gift from bean cellars/Mixing prints/New shoes + Nails Inc goodness/Thomas snacks (so good)/Bath haul; minus a ring I was already wearing/Two of my Nan’s brooches.

Just a few little snippets and a cop out post because I’m back at work today…I have a mad three days ahead…I think Sunday will be a sleeping day!


13 comments for “Instragrammed

  1. I think your hair’s beautiful 🙂

  2. It so nice to be given those brooches as a reminder of your nan – she had amazing taste by the looks of things! I was given a few of my own nans that i’ll know i’ll treasure!

  3. Your hair is lush, every time I put a red on mine it’s never as vibrant as that. Love Nan’s owl brooch, you clearly inherited her good taste xx

  4. lovely pictures xx

  5. Those brooches are gorgeous and very treasureable xxx

  6. Ah these photos are brilliant! I adore how funny you and your Mum are! Mmmmm, liking those Dune shoes!!

  7. I really love your natural hair, I would love to have thick gorgeous hair like that!
    Love the brooches, I’m sure you are really gonna treasure them!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  8. Mat

    your hair looks crazy long here, i got bored of instagram pretty quick. see long long you use it for!

  9. Yey for curly natural hair – mines pretty much the same!

  10. Ooh you got ‘Sunbeam’.. I’m very tempted to get it tomorrow whilst the 10% off is still on at Debenhams!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  11. I didn’t know that your natural hair is curly!! It looks so ‘beachy’ x

  12. Very cool. I always enjoy the interviews. Thanks for having this blog