It Might Be Simple But


Long time readers of my blog might better understand why I was so excited about such a simple tattoo, and it wasn’t just me who got tattooed either; oh no, I dragged my Mum along for the ride after she made a promise last year. So simple, it serves as a reminder, a motivator and a memoriam all in one.



I opted for the brightest colours possible to make the occasion. I have a love/hate relationship with these Zara trousers. I utterly adore them BUT they make me feel so insecure about my legs simply because they draw so much attention to them.

But really,
that doesn’t matter. Not any one of us is defined by how much we weigh, what size clothes we wear or what we look like. And I’m still on my personal mission to leave that behind.

You know what?

I really believe I will.


(it is straight btw, it’s impossibly hard to photograph your own wrist)


65 comments for “It Might Be Simple But

  1. Love the tattoo ! If it means something to you then go for it. I’ve got a couple of my own and each one was done to mark a significant event/something important in my life. I’ve been following your blog for a while now (just lurked – blush!) but I think you’re an inspiration and one very determined lady xx The trousers look fab by the way !

  2. Love the tattoo! it hurts so much on your wrist!

  3. I love it- and those pants look good on you! πŸ™‚

  4. omg! you got a tattoo! i love it! that’s so brave! that’s so sweet that you’ve got a matching tattoo with your mum too. it’s so great that it really means something to you too.
    I also LOVE your pink trousers!! They are perfect! x

  5. beautiful tattoo, so delicate and I love the message.
    I think those trousers look great on you…I really wanted a pair, but again, also insecure about bringing that much attention to my legs πŸ˜› silly!

  6. I just grinned the whole way through this post. I love it, and it’s so special too. I’m so pleased that you love it πŸ™‚


  7. Mat

    nice one, glad you finally went for it

  8. Such a simple tattoo, but has so much meaning behind it. I love it.

  9. It’s lovely πŸ™‚ how fab of your mu to get one too! I couldn’t get my mum tattooed for love nor money lol. The trousers look amazing btw, never feel insecure about them!! They would also look gorgeous with heels x

  10. i love this, i’m sometimes bot sure about tattoos, but this is lovely, it looks so effective and it’s great that it means so much to you and that your mum had one too πŸ™‚

    you have come so far! i’m so proud!! xx

  11. great tat – and I love those trousers! πŸ™‚


  12. I love your tattoo πŸ™‚
    I’ve got one on the outside of my wrist (running up my forearm) which says “Ad astra”, meaning “to the stars” (short for “perseverance through adversity to the stars”). Like you I got mine for a bit of inspiration! X

  13. Your tattoo is so lovely. I hope it does inspire you everyday:) xx

  14. I am so proud of you and I love you so much, so glad that I can call you my friend!

    Maria xxx

  15. Anonymous

    Oh cutie, your legs are gorgeous, you don’t have to worry about them at all, they’re just perfect really πŸ™‚

  16. You look amazing in the pink jeans! πŸ˜€ xx

  17. It’s beautiful – I love simple tattoo’s, and it’s lovely how you’ve got a proper meaning behind it!
    You also look amazing in those bright trousers, I’d love to be able to pull them off!

  18. I think its beautiful, and the meaning behind it makes it so much more than just the words tattooed on you.

  19. Love your top I love how you always wear such bright colours x

  20. its perfect for you πŸ™‚ lovely.

  21. Beautiful. Just beautiful. And I’m not normally a fan of ink. Vicky x

  22. You’ve got so much to believe in, both in your life (not that I know, but I bet you do) and in the lovely/inspiringness of this blog — I’m sure all your readers can attest to that.

  23. I love it!! Yay for your mum too!


  24. I love your tattoo, life is all about believing!


  25. Just believe! I love love love your tattoo, and I think I have the same pants:)


  26. A beautiful tattoo – some simple and meaningful. I love it x

  27. wow I love the Tatt and I am sure it has a very special meaning to you, which makes it even cooler!

    And you are rocking these pink trousers!

    Thanks for your lovely comment, as always πŸ™‚

    Claire, x

  28. I think it’s really sweet and lovely how it means a lot to you. i like the font too! Would it be a silly question to ask if it hurt a lot?

    The pink bottoms really suit you, they look perfect for summery days.

  29. oh my, i hate anyone touching my wrists, theres no way i’d get them tatooed!! it’s cool that your mum went with you though!

  30. the tattoo is nice, and it’s a constant reminder I think which is inspiring πŸ˜€

  31. Such a brilliant word to get tattooed on your wrist, I love it. And those Zara trousers are fantastic, and though I know it may mean nothing, you look great in them. Lovely post Laura. xxx

  32. Laura, you have the most covetable legs ever! If I can be comfortable showing my legs and they’re about double the size of yours, then you’ve got to be able to be happy with what you’ve got πŸ™‚ those trousers are fab. Glad you’re so happy with that tattoo!

    β™₯ Leia

  33. awww looks sooo good and I cant believe ;)) your mum got one you must have such a cool mum. Mine got canceled πŸ™ but hopefully I will be getting it done soon xoxo

  34. Kat

    Gorgeous tatt πŸ™‚ so simple and so beautiful! The first one I got was a symbol for strength after I recovered for my ED, still my favourite πŸ™‚


  35. I love your tatoo!I like the fact that it means something so important to you.I’ve also got a tattoo on my wrist with something that has a special meaning to me.Sometimes I look at it to give me

  36. Well I think you look fabulous in those gorgeous pink pants!

    I adore your tattoo. I think it is really sweet and meaningful that you got one with your mom.

    My mom and I also have the same tattoo, although we got ours during different times in different states. πŸ˜›

  37. Your tattoo looks great! As does your outfit!

  38. Love it! It’s a simple word, but it has alot of meaning and the style of writing is timeless!

    As for your outfit, you really pull it off! Loving the bright colour combo.

  39. That is perfect and beautiful.

  40. I can’t believe you and your mum have matching tatts! That is so crazy/cute. And you look awesome in the pink troos. x

  41. I absolutely LOVE that tattoo! Sometimes simple tattoos are the nicest to have. Its brilliant that it means so much to you too. I want it!!!

    Love the trousers, your legs look good in them!

  42. Love it! Its so meaningful and I love that your mam got it done too!

  43. Great choice of wording. Makes me want to go and get one! xx
    We Shop Therefore We Are

  44. cool tattoo that is very brave of you! I love colored trouser btw

    Vi from Cali

  45. congrats on your tattoo! Its a fab marker on your journey. If in doubt, check your wrist πŸ™‚

  46. It’s perfect for you Laura πŸ™‚

    And by it I mean the tattoo, although the pink jeans are totally you too.

  47. Agree with Alex, it’s perfect, a constant reminder of how far you’ve come and how far you can still go πŸ™‚ xx

  48. I love your tattoo! My sister had one recently too and I’ thinking of having one too, just don’t know what to yet.

  49. Lil

    My friend has these trousers and you look gorgeous in them. I think the tattoo is brilliant – and mines on my wrist too! Xx

  50. Well done… seriously so impressed by you. I’ve loved checking your blog and seeing how you are doing. You are such a great example to other girls.

    I love the tattoos. Totally fitting and such an exciting landmark. xx

  51. I think your tat is great, I understand why it means so much! Now in all honesty did it hurt? lol! I am a total whimp at the thought of pain, but I would really love a tattoo, my hubby has quite a few and I really like them.

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  52. it’s beautiful <3 And what it signifies is even more so! I love it πŸ™‚

  53. Love that you guys got the same tatoo, and I love the pants, bright colours look great.

  54. I love that you & your mum have the same tattoo, especially with so much significance. I hope whenever you go through a rough patch you will look at it and believe <3

  55. Amy

    That tattoo is simply perfect!!!

  56. Wow. I think it has such a significant meaning that it will always be a special one xxx

  57. The most awesome pants, ever. LUVS!!

  58. darling, it’s beautiful. YOU are beautiful. xxx

  59. Laura, I love it! It’s perfect and so cool that your Mum got one too x

  60. I love love love your tattoo. xo

  61. D.

    It’s so simple that it just has to be important.

  62. oh oh a tattoo! how was the pain? I’m planning on getting my first tattoo in about a month!

  63. this is lovely. I love the simplicity of it deary. I know I’m covered in them almost head to toe but I really like how this looks, and has a very big meaning without being to large of a piece. I think it suits you perfectly.