
This dress, despite being one of the oldest I own and costing the princely sum of £3 in New Look a few years ago appears to have become a work staple. Comfortable, not low cut (vital when working on front desk) and a decent length with potential for a few different pairs of tights (although my tights obsession seems to be waning somewhat lately/I’ve been more boring with my choices).




It was somewhat depressing to be putting on ankle boots for JUNE! It was seriously raining when I left for work yesterday; but in the end it turned out to be a gorgeous day…judging by the fact the sun woke me up around 5am today, I think things might be on the up! I’m thankful I have the morning at home to make the most of it, being part-time does have advantages!

My free time will mostly be used for panicking over outfit choice for the Yummy Hair event in London on Saturday. It’s the first one I’ve been invited to and goddam I am nervous and somewhat overwhelmed at the idea of being surrounded by so many stylish people!

Thank you for all of the incredibly sweet comments on yesterday’s post. They each meant a lot to me.

Allow me to show it off one more time…


Don’t forget the Witch Giveaway!

And for those who didn’t win the Bijoux Dolly giveaway, Katie has sweetly offered a 20% discount off any purchase with the code DAISYCHAIN
The site has had a stunning makeover and there are some crazy awesome hair bows for sale as well as the vintage inspired jewellery.
Shop now (that’s an order).

25 comments for “uniform

  1. I have just discovered your blog and am now following 🙂

    I can’t believe you need to wear tights and boots in summer, i hope it gets warmer for you!

    Laura – White Winters

  2. It is POURING DOWN up North today, brogues, tights and cardies abound 🙁

  3. Pants weather in the midlands too!

    Wish this summer would hurry up!

    X x

  4. tight?! Boots?! urm, I was wearing my uggs yesterday….!

    It should get up to 25 degrees by the weekend down there hun! 🙂 At last…!

  5. This weather is SO depressing isn’t it? Can’t believe that dress was only £3! My best bargain dress was a £5 primark buy which I also wear lots for work so it’s a sound investment.

  6. Hi 🙂 Nice blog you got there, I was wonderin if we could be friends and follow each others blogs? ^__^ Thank youuuu.~

  7. I hope the sun shines brightly on the weekend for you x

  8. Lovely dress – I’m wearing boots too, I felt so bad putting them on in June haha! Don’t worry about Saturday, I’m sure it’ll be amazing! xxx

  9. Laura firstly I adore your tattoo. Well done! I’ve been wanting one for ever on my wrist.

    I can’t wait to see you on Saturday. don’t worry about outfit, it’s going to rain like mad anyways and we all end up looking soaking wet.

  10. beautiful work outfit, very pretty as always Laura 🙂 I love your tattoo, so simple but sometimes the most meaningful things are. I believe it for you too and I try to believe it for myself every day as well xox

  11. Anonymous

    why are your pictures looking shopped and altered the pixels are all off

  12. I think that’s always the way when it comes to sale dresses, they’re often some of my favourite items in my wardrobe!

  13. I absolutely adore your tattoo – meant to comment yesterday but got waylaid. It is so simple, but so meaningful. Great work outfit – I need to start getting my act together with work clothes. Eek.

  14. £3?! Wow, bargain or what. It looks fab on you too.
    It is freezing here in Manchester I’m wearing the same amount of clothes that I did in March. It’s JUNE!!!

  15. I seem to have a ‘uniform’ of black jeans, they’re always my go to item when I can’t be bothered with anything else! The dress looks great!

  16. I do really like that dress.

    I wish you’d stop showing your tattoo off, you’re making me regret my wrist tatt and wish I’d had something more like yours instead 🙁

    Sooo cute!

  17. £3 what an utter bargain x

  18. Love the booties!

  19. I had tights and flipping knee high boots on today – what is going on with this weather?!

  20. I cannot wait to see you! 😀 I love the dress too, it looks so comfy and cute!

    Maria xxx

  21. Ugh, seeing that is raining in England makes so happy to be in Portugal right now!
    I really like your staple dress.

  22. I love your ‘uniform’, those ankle boots are fab!

  23. Completely in love with your outfit, it’s totally beautiful!! You look really gorgeous, and dang! Those tats are hawt 🙂

  24. Great dress. Its perfect for work or school.

  25. amy

    Well, it may be depressing, at least the ankle boots look super cute!

    sweetness xx
    hope to hear from you*!