It’s Not Me

You know that feeling when you’ve been searching for something for what feels like forever and then you find the perfect match? That’s exactly what happened with this denim dress, I’ve been after one for probably three years and had given up hope of finding one that matched the image in my head. The ones I’d previously tried were mostly too short, often too decorated but mostly they just weren’t me.
I found this one by accident. Another detour in to Primark to pick up some socks I’d seen for my best friend led to me walking past the sale rack. I picked up this dress without much hope and proceeded to try it on. A mere £5 later and the rest is history, I finally have *that* dress.
You’ll have to excuse the shoes, they are usually reserved for work but at the time I took these pictures I couldn’t bend far enough to get any other kind of shoe on my feet. Anyway, they kind of worked with my over all 90’s look…massive hoop earrings (un-pictured) but included.
Dress: Primark | Tee: Topshop | Loafers: Kate Kanzier
Another thing I’ve been searching for is the perfect pouch for keeping in my handbag, something to store all those little bits and pieces that seem to run away the second you need them in. I’d seen a lot of twitter activity around East London brand Its Not Me Its You and instantly began browsing. I was lucky enough to end up in contact with the lovely Billi which resulted in myself being sent the selection above. Included in this parcel of joy was THE perfect handbag pouch, a pencil case with the cutest slogan ever and a fabulous travel card holder. All made to the highest standard and manufactured right here in England.
Everything by this brand is sheer genius- check out the Mean Girls inspired iPhone 5 case or these sound words of advice.
I’m pretty sure a large portion of my future earnings will be going on more brilliance from Its Not Me Its You and I’m willing to bet I won’t be alone in this.


4 comments for “It’s Not Me

  1. I know that feeling, it’s why I can’t shop FOR anything. Looking lovely Laura x

  2. Vix

    A great find, something you’ll live in for ages! looks fab. x

  3. Oh, what a cute website. Will be having a browse on It’s Not Me It’s You now 🙂

  4. I love pouches to keep things together in my bag, will have to have a look at that website! xo