keep cool, cover up

There is a lot to be said for what is basically a tube of striped cotton when it comes to keeping cool…this maxi dress from H&M pretty much saved me from melting on Thursday afternoon (and allowed me to bare my hairy legs without anyone seeing!). Teamed with faithful Havianas c/o Sarenza I’ll probably be living in this kind of thing in Spain (6 days, 6 days….I’m allowed to be over-excited, I haven’t had a holiday in seven years!)

I did feel quite sorry for my furry friend, her only way to keep cool was lie in the shade looking cute. Oh, it’s a hard life being a cat!

Has anyone got Summery weekend plans? I’ve had to put mine on hold to shift this sore throat/cough virus before my holiday. This, folks, is the one downside to my job. 50% of our patients have this same thing and it keeps getting bounced back and forth between us!


10 comments for “keep cool, cover up

  1. I love maxi’s especially when I havent shaved and I still want to wear a dress. I hope you feel better soon X

  2. Lovely dress. I am thinking about investing in a pair of havianas myself as they are supposed to be super comfy! Ohh not long til holiday. Have a lovely time xx

  3. Rather envious of your holiday, I would love to be jetting off..

  4. Such a cute dress!
    And your kitty is adorable too!


  5. I love maxi dresses, but i am just too short for them 🙁

  6. I love this maxi dress. I’m on holiday count down too! x

  7. This dress looks lovely on you and is perfect for this weather! Such a cute cat, my dog has pretty much been in this same position all week too. Hope your feeling better soon 🙂 xx

  8. I love a maxi! This one looks fab and I know what you mean about legs, it’s probably why I love maxis so much! Hehe!
    Hope you have a fab holiday, I’m so jealous, I’d love to be visiting somewhere sunny…

  9. Love the dress, and I love little Flash too! 🙂

  10. Cutest Dress!!!
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