With Attitude

Cut-out detail dress c/o Glamorous, Studded shoes; competition win from Tribeca Shoes

When Glamorous got back in touch offering to send me one of their new arrivals I knew it HAD to be this dress. As girly as my style sometimes is, I am just as comfortable in something a bit more grungy and this dress is exactly what I’ve been craving (without even knowing it!)
I fall in love with Glamorous a little bit more each time I browse their website, deffo one to watch!

Now, these shoes. THESE shoes! I was lucky enough to win a twitter giveaway from Tribeca Shoes and chose these. They aren’t a shoe for the faint hearted, and I think they will be saved for evenings out where lots of sitting down is involved, but dammit, I love them…and basically the whole Tribeca website for that matter. Hello new shoe heaven on the block, I see a lot more of you in my future.

I am feeling a little pessimistic about my style and outfit photos lately. Perhaps I read too many blogs, and know too many stylish people but I feel drab and un-inspired by comparison. I know this isn’t about dressing for others,
I just feel a bit left out of the blogging came, a wallflower if you will who just blends in to the background and is often overlooked.

C’est la vie,
from twitter I know I am not the only one feeling this right now. I’m hoping that my holiday will give me a much needed confidence boost (and blogging break) and I’ll come back with a load of confidence and some fresh ideas.

One week till I fly. Cannot wait.


34 comments for “With Attitude

  1. You have your own lovely style and always look fab! Have a great weekend:)

  2. wow woo weewoo! LOVE those crazy high shoes. Not sure I would dare walk in them, mind your ankles!
    I get the grump about being a small-time blogger all the time. But you have a huge following and are certainly not overlooked missy! x

  3. Vix

    Absolutely gorgeous, one of my favourite looks on you ever and I’m lusting after those heels.
    A week to go? Bet you can’t wait! x

  4. You are a fabulous blogger Laura, you’re honest and true to yourself. Don’t ever change.
    Only one week to go – exciting!

  5. You definitely don’t blend into the background Laura, you have a dress and shoe collection to make any girl envious and your style them perfectly!
    Love the cut out details on that dress 🙂

  6. For what it’s worth, I love your outfit posts! I think they are inspiring and much more ‘real’ than those of some bloggers out there.

  7. gorgeous outfit! 🙂 x

  8. Check you out! You look amazing!! xx

  9. emily

    I love your shoes, they rock

  10. You look AMAZING 🙂 xxx

  11. With 1395 followers, I very much doubt you blend into the background! I have 57 lovely followers by comparison, but I am amazed that even 57 people feel my blog is of interest!
    Don’t worry, I sometimes think to myself, ‘Why do some people rarely comment nowadays, what have I done!?’ I imagine that the more blogs people follow, they have less chance to visit other ones!

    You always look lovely by the way!
    I would say, if you do want to stand out a bit more, maybe try to take some more clear shots, or different locations (the garden ones were lovely!) so your pretty outfits can shine more! Your shots have been clearer recently anyway! Anyway, this is a suggestion from someone who doesn’t know much about it, but I thought I’d say it to try and be helpful!

    Those shoes are crazy! They remind me of Kandee shoes! I’d never get my feet at that angle! I like this whole look though!

  12. It’s such a shame to hear you taking like this…you have a great sense of style! I’m so jealous of those shoes, I love them!

  13. Love this dress, the cutout detail is fab and OMG those shoes…WOW! I love your style, hope you feel better soon, a lot of people seem to be feeling this at the moment xx

  14. You are no wallflower my darling, especially in these boots! You look amazing in them and this dress 🙂 xx

  15. Wow those shoes are striking!

  16. Love love love this look on you! x

  17. You are ridiculously hot. xx

  18. wow these shoes are quite something, they look amazing. xx

  19. You look fabulous lovely – just discovered your blog 🙂

    Eda ♥

    Candyfloss Curls, Cupcakes & Couture

    Follow me on twitter ♥

  20. Those shoes are amazing!! Far too high for me to walk in – but amazing none the less! xo

    Megan Jane // Seek My Scribbles

  21. The whole outfit looks stunning..especially the shoes!
    I feel like that sometimes and that Im not involved enough..but then think its your blog and hopefully people will appreciate your own style which they do in your case! Everyone has a different style to their blog:) Have a lovely holiday xx

  22. Mat

    looking super fancy

  23. Wow doll you look amazing this dress is stunning on you and the boots wow wow wow they finish this outfit off perfectly dont get disheartened hun you always look amazing xoxo

  24. I love this whole outfit so I’m going to steal it for myself – although as you know I have jut bought a dress from Glamorous with your discount code!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  25. This outfit looks AMAZING on you Laura, you totally rock it 😉 xx

  26. You should feel great about your style! Everything about your look here is badass…I love it…especially the shoes!

  27. Love the cut out detail on the dress Laura and the studs on those shoes are amazing!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  28. You always look like a million bucks to me and you are one of my favourite blogs. dont be so hard on your self XXX

  29. Cat

    You look beautiful in everything you post! However, I love this look on you, and I could never pull it off.

    I love that you post what you actually wear most of the time. I have a really hard time staying interested in people who just post random outfits that they don’t wear out. I mean, anyone can put together a super-flashy sparkly multi-colored club outfit, but that isn’t real life. I also have a hard time staying interested in people whose only job is to blog.

    It is far more interesting (to me!) to see what other people are wearing to school or to work.

  30. I’m sorry, but why are you not a model? x

  31. Phew! Scorching hot. I like you as a bad gal, you should do it more often. X

  32. This outfit is hot!! I will forever be in awe of those shoes (and how you can wear them without breaking your ankle haha)

  33. Love this dress! Its cool with your hair too 🙂 wheres the dress from? xo


  34. this outfit is perfect! That dress and those shirts were made for each other xx