kissing in traffic

The latest little shop on the internet to find it’s way on to my lust-list is Kissing in Traffic, a Camden based fashion label specialising in distressed denim shorts, quirky bow ties and an array of necklaces and belts.

Run by fashion graduates full of creativity, Kissing in Traffic is available to buy online at ASOS boutique

Shorts will cost you £35, whilst necklaces, brooches and collars start at £8. A t-shirt is a bargain at £16.

I’d love to know what you think,

I quite fancy one of the collars for brightening up some basics.


14 comments for “kissing in traffic

  1. I love those collars, looks like such a cute company! 🙂 x

  2. This is actually really nice 🙂

    Santenne of Crystallized Elements.

  3. Love the pocket detail on the shorts x

  4. That peplum belt is magnificent!

  5. These look lovely! I really like the scarf style print on the neck tie 🙂 They’re perfect for jazzing up a plainer outfit!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  6. oh sounds cool, must check that out. love the name of it. great post. I have a new post up about vision boards if you get a chance to check it out, would love to know what you think,thanks!

    your new follower, Eimear x

  7. Some great items there x

  8. The little bow ties are so cute 🙂

  9. Everything here looks amazing, I especially love the pocket on the shorts!

  10. I love the blue collar, would look great with a simple white tee!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  11. I love that little detachable peplum! Such a cool idea!